The forms below are the basic forms used when applying for an unusual character. All applications are to be posted in this forum, unless the application is intended to be private. If applying privately, post a placeholder thread in this forum, then PM the application via the forum to all members of the Admin and SDM teams. Private applications will not be reviewed unless a public placeholder thread is posted. These characters are not to be played until after they are approved (and LETO done, if necessary).
Each area of the application is required
Incomplete applications (including applications that do not meet the background word limit) will not be reviewed for approval.
Of particular interest to the staff is the section "How does this race affect the character's roleplay." In short, why would this particular race make your character different than a normal base race? How does the exotic race affect their mentality, attitudes towards other races, personal fears and strengths, and so forth?
Exotic applications take between 2-4 weeks to be reviewed by the staff. After a character is approved, a minimum 1 month period is required before applying for any additional unique characters.
All private placeholder applications must be sent to all SDMs and Admins.
As a further note, please refrain from 'bumping' applications or their placeholders, as this can lead to us losing track of when the application was originally posted. Please ask a member of the senior staff for an update instead.
Applications must be submitted as plain prose text. This is a basic overview of the character, not a roleplay post. Any supplemental images, if they must be included, should be at the bottom of the post so as to not slow down processing time. Applications that fail to follow these guidelines may not be reviewed in a timely fashion.
Game Login (Include all logins and forum profiles used on CD, not just the one you plan to use this character on):
Discord Nickname:
Other characters played on CD (from all logins):
Approximate time spent on server:
Initial Alignment:
Deity (Note: Characters without a patron are subject to permadeath in DM events):
Base Class & Proposed Development:
Background (500-1000 words):
- This should be a straightforward account of how the character came to be in the server's region and how the race/unusual concept is a core part of the concept.
- Break your background into paragraphs. It is very, very difficult to read unbroken walls of text.
Personality Profile:
Goals: (Consider beyond the obvious - everyone wants to get stronger and make a name for themselves. What else does your character want out of life? Do they have any hobbies? Anyone they want to find or meet? A family mystery or secret they want to explore?)
Possible Plot-Hook Ideas and Misc Facts:
How does this race affects the character's roleplay?
How does it affect the roleplay of others?
Does it maintain the integrity of the setting?
If you're applying for a character with a reaction level, or who is otherwise of an uncommon race or appearance, please answer the following two questions:
How does the reaction level affect your PC and how will you mitigate any consequences of your character's reaction level?
How will your character conceal or otherwise hide their unusual appearance to blend in with common or accepted races of the setting?
Proposed Template:
Game Login (Include all logins and forum profiles used on CD, not just the one you plan to use this character on):
Discord Nickname:
Other characters played on CD (from all logins):
Approximate time spent on server:
Initial Alignment:
Deity (Note: Characters without a patron are subject to permadeath in DM events):
Base Class & Proposed Development:
Background (500-1000 words):
Personality Profile:
Goals: (Consider beyond the obvious - everyone wants to get stronger and make a name for themselves. What else does your character want out of life? Do they have any hobbies? Anyone they want to find or meet? A family mystery or secret they want to explore?)
Possible Plot-Hook Ideas and Misc Facts:
How does the character's unique background affect its roleplay?
How does it affect the roleplay of others?
Does it maintain the integrity of the setting?
This form is to be completed in addition to either one of the above exotic race or unusual character concept forms if you are applying for nobility
If applying for nobility, do you understand and accept that abusing the in-game privileges of the background could result in negative consequences?
In what manner do you intend to roleplay this character's noble lineage and power so that your fun, and the fun of others, is not impeded by it?
If applying to create a new or custom noble house, please fill out the following profile of the house:
Who are the figureheads of the house?
What holdings does the house own?
What influence or important connections does the house have in the setting?
Are there any other important NPC members of the house?
Goals and misc-facts of the house?