Cormyr & the Dalelands is a collaborative story-telling environment, where each of our characters are a collection of stories and events that we experience while playing on this server together. However, there are times when a character’s journey ends or their story is completed. At this point, it often makes more sense for the character to retire. In other cases, a character may experience a dramatic storyline death from which a player may choose to leave the character permanently dead.
In either of these situations, it is possible for players to not completely lose their invested time and stories from the retired character.
Levels: After retiring a character, the player may choose to create a new character with half the levels of the retired character (including ECL).
- If the new character has an ECL, that ECL will be subtracted from the levels to be rewarded. For example, if you retire an level 30 character and create a tiefling, they will receive be 14th level (15 - 1 for ECL).
- This total includes the starting 2 or 3 levels awarded in character creation; it is not in addition to them. The maximum level for a new character created using this process is 15th level (when retiring a level 30 character).
Starting Gold: Characters benefiting from a retirement boost also receive additional starting gold based on their new level with the retirement bonus as follows:
- 4th 9,000 gp
- 5th 13,000 gp
- 6th 19,000 gp
- 7th 27,000 gp
- 8th 36,000 gp
- 9th 49,000 gp
- 10th 66,000 gp
- 11th 88,000 gp
- 12th 110,000 gp
- 13th 150,000 gp
- 14th 200,000 gp
- 15th 260,000 gp
When retiring a character, the player may choose to transfer one item from their inventory to their newly created character. If the character dies as part of a plotline/storyline death in a DM event (and would have qualified for an item reward), the item may go to the new character instead.
- If the retired character is below level 20: The new character receives an heirloom item of the tier which the retired character qualifies for. (For example, retiring a level 17 character would qualify the new character for a T4 heirloom item.)
- If the retired character is Level 20 - 30: The new character receives an heirloom item at T4 strength. This item will then automatically upgrade to T5 and T6 upon reaching those tiers, depending on the level of the retired character. (For example: a level 23 retired character would result in a T5 heirloom item upgrade; a level 28 retired character would result in a T5 and T6 heirloom item upgrade.)
- If the character has no suitable heirloom item: The new character may receive a single loot item of appropriate tier. If the new character is 13th or 14th level, they may choose to receive a T4 item. They may also receive a DM item from the retired character with zero magic properties.
It is possible that a character may wish to preserve the story on an item not being passed on to their retirement recipient. For such occasions, refer to our guidelines on gifting a DM item:
Gifted Items: A DM reward item may be gifted to other characters with the following requirements:
- DM Approval - The DM who awarded the item must approve of the transfer. If the DM is no longer on staff, an SDM or Admin may approve the transfer instead.
- Zero Properties - All special/magical properties (bonuses, spell slots, cast spells, etc.) must be wiped from the item. (This process is done in-game.) The recipient of the item may then request the item to be personalized/enchanted as the reward from a new DM plot that they participate in. (As always, requesting a quest just to receive or enchant an item is discouraged.)
- Post your "Character Retirement" request in the Miscellaneous Requests Forum. (There is no special form for this request, as of yet.)
- After approval, create the new character to receive the levels and item. If the new character needs approval (due to a unique concept), post the application for the character.
- Request assistance from an SDM or Admin to transfer the levels and item. (If the item is a new reward, please make arrangements with the DM from the plotline.)
One of the founding principles on the Cormyr & the Dalelands server is a focus on the stories told by players through their characters. This means characters (and thereby players) are able to affect the world around them, as well as the course of events within it. One of the ways that we've offered in the past for players to do so, as a capstone to a character's story, is to have them become an NPC within the server’s setting. This post is intended to make clear what is possible, and to offer an idea of the sort of things that you as a player should expect will be required.
Once a character retires in this manner, they will become an NPC. You will no longer have any say in their actions, just as with any other NPC, though DMs might ask your opinion purely at their own discretion. It should also be noted that if you don't want DMs running or involving your character even after retirement, you can take a "Tier 0" option. This option is the “typical” retirement choice, where a character may ride off into the sunset, go buy a farm someplace, never to be heard from again. None of these options are required; this is merely a special way to reward significant character stories and investment.
These requirements will vary per individual character, but most have several common aspects.
- The retirement must make in-character story sense, maintaining storyline continuity (becoming an NPC of a faction's hierarchy will naturally require being part of that faction, and so on).
The time invested in the character will play a factor in the amount of influence they may have as an NPC; some of the higher tiers may require years of invested activity and roleplay to achieve.
- Character level may also play a factor in this qualification, though it will mostly be subsumed in the time invested qualification.
- Stating the character’s goal ahead of time, especially as part of their biography, helps the staff to consider that goal in light of the ongoing story and events on the server. This does not mean your character WILL achieve that goal, merely that if we're aware of it, we may offer opportunities to advance along the road to it, at times.
As the requested tier of influence that increases, the time and story investment will increase.
- Tier 0: No NPC Status – This level is open to any character.
- Tier 1: Basic NPC with no real authority -- This level is open to any character without requirements/restrictions. For example: any retirement that doesn't get anything special - a shopkeeper or something somewhere, for instance.
- Tier 2: Become a recognized NPC with some level of authority or power -- For example: Pereppi in Thunderholme works in the library and gnome shop, but is a respected scholar and loremaster.
- Tier 3: Become an influential NPC in an extremely localized place -- This tier includes a significant level of power within that limited context. For example: Rorik in Thunderholme, now head of the city's Runecasters.
- Tier 4: Become an influential NPC with power that extends beyond a single city/localize place within a kingdom -- This tier’s influence does not extend to multiple kingdoms/countries. For example, Nadril Nailow, a retired adventurer of some repute, is now a member of the Velethuil Council. Other examples include: a Purple Dragon PC who retired and became a high-ranking military officer; an ambassador for the Evermeet Court to either Cormyr or a specific Daleland; the high priest overseeing a region of multiple shrines/temples.
- Tier 5: Not Allowed: Become an extremely influential NPC with power that extends beyond a single country's borders Examples: Royalty*, Lord of one of the Dales, Chosen of a Deity, Wielder of a named/canon Artifact
*Note: In the case of Royalty, this refers to becoming a recognized part of a Royal line. This can be achieved either through marriage or other political maneuverings, rather than being directly crowned as the ruling king or queen. While such an NPC could eventually be crowned as such, it will not happen directly as part of the PC’s retirement.
- Tier 6 and beyond: Not allowed (Ascension to Godhood)
Unfortunately, some endings that might be viable in a pen and paper campaign just won't work in this environment. Originally we'd thought to offer certain things represented in Tier 5, under the thought that everyone could have an equal chance at such, but on reflection we realized that these things are largely once a campaign, and thus inherently aren't fair in a setup like CD. As such, those are off-limits. Note however that long-running NPCs may someday be elevated to such positions at the needs of the story, based on DM Staff consensus, but this is something that could only happen years and years later, and not as part of a retirement request.
Characters that are retired to NPC status remain part of the ongoing storyline and may be used by DMs within plots. The higher tier of retirement, the more likely they will get involved in future plots--for better or worse. These characters can die off, become villains in a plot, or any number of other things that might happen to similar NPCs. They are not guaranteed to remain in that position they retired to, depending on the story being told. If you don't want this to potentially happen to your character, then retiring as an NPC of any rank beyond Tier 1 is not recommended.
The goal of these rules is to offer options for finishing a story, not to forcibly retire anyone (and thus abruptly end said story). Any such eventuality will be discussed with the player in question well ahead of time, and only proceed if they're okay with the ending offered.
¶ Love and Marriage
While normally PCs are not allowed to be in a relationship with an NPC, there are two exceptions allowed in cases of retirement. The first is when two PCs are married already, and one wishes to retire, they may do so and remain ICly "married", with the stipulation that DMs will not play this NPC with that PC. The second exception is that PCs may request to have their retiring character as an NPC be romantically associated with an NPC, including engagement and marriage. This aspect of a request will depend on the staff's judgment and whether it makes sense for the overall story (asking to marry an NPC you've never met is probably a no, but one that the character has had regular dealings with is more reasonable, for example).