Essence innate level determines the spell level of Eldritch Blast, Blow, Chain, Cone, and Doom for SR, DC and spell mantle calculations
Eldritch Blast and Eldritch Chain deal double damage on a Critical Hit
Innate Level: 2
Saving Throw: Will (Mind-Affecting)
Frightful Blast deals 1d6 points of Magical damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier.
The target must make a will saving throw or suffer a decrease of 2 for all saving throws, Attack and Damage rolls, and all skills for 1 round per Caster Level.
Innate Level: 3
Saving Throw: Reflex (special)
Brimstone Blast deals 1d6 points of Fire damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier.
The target must make a reflex saving throw or be set on fire, taking 2d6 Fire damage per round until it succeeds a save. Target is set on fire for 1 round per 5 Warlock Caster Levels.
At Warlock level 16 and above, the Fire damage is increased to 2d6 + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier.
Innate Level: 4
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Hellrime Blast deals 1d6 points of Cold damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier.
The target must make a fortitude saving throw or take a -4 Dexterity penalty for 1 round per Caster Level. The penalty from multiple Hellrime Blasts does not stack.
Innate Level: 4
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Beshadowed Blast deals 1d6 points of Magical damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier.
The target must make a fortitude saving throw or be blinded for 3 rounds.
Innate Level: 5
Saving Throw: Will (Mind-Affecting)
Bewitching Blast deals 1d6 points of Magical damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier.
The target must make a will saving throw or be confused for 3 rounds.
Innate Level: 6
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Noxious Blast deals 1d6 points of Magical damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier.
The target must make a fortitude saving throw or be dazed for 3 rounds.
Innate Level: 6
Saving Throw: None
Vitriolic Blast deals 1d6 points of Acid damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier.
Innate Level: 8
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Utterdark Blast deals 1d6 points of Negative Energy damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier.
Negative Energy from an Utterdark Blast heals Undead targets, similar to Inflict Wounds spells.
The target must make a fortitude saving throw or gain 2 negative levels for 1 hour per Caster Level. If a target gains as many negative levels as they have hit-dice, they die.
Innate Level: 8
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Hindering Blast deals 1d6 points of Magical damage + 1d6/2 warlock levels + the Warlock’s Charisma Modifier.
The target must make a will saving throw or be slowed for 3 rounds.
These Essences are tied to the Warlock's Pact. The Warlock may only ever obtain one of these.
Innate Level: Half of Warlock Level (max of 9)
Saving Throw: Reflex
Hellfire Blast deals 1d6 points of Hellfire damage + 1d6/2 Caster levels + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier.
The target must make a reflex saving throw or be set on fire, taking 2d6 Hellfire damage per round until it succeeds a save. Target is set on fire for 1 round per 5 Warlock Caster Levels.
At Caster level 16 and above, the Hellfire damage is increased to 2d6 + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier.
Innate Level: Half of Warlock Level (max of 9)
Saving Throw: Fortitude
Abyssal Blast deals 1d6 points of Vile damage + 1d6/2 Caster levels + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier.
The target must make a fortitude saving throw or suffer from the deleterious effects of the vile energy, taking 2d6 Vile damage per round until it succeeds a save. The target suffers from the damage for 1 round per 5 Warlock Caster Levels.
At Caster level 16 and above, the Vile damage is increased to 2d6 + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier.
Innate Level: Half of Warlock Level (max of 9)
Saving Throw: None
Celestial Blast deals 1d6 points of Divine damage + 1d6/2 Caster levels + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier.
The target suffers a decrease of 2 to their Attack Bonus and Armor Class for 4 rounds.
Innate Level: Half of Warlock Level (max of 9)
Saving Throw: None
Fey Blast deals 1d6 points of Radiant damage + 1d6/2 Caster levels + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier.
The target suffer a decrease of 2 for all saving throws for 5 rounds.
Innate Level: Half of Warlock Level (max of 9)
Saving Throw: None
Star Blast deals 1d6 points of Psionic damage + 1d6/2 Caster levels + the Warlock's Charisma Modifier.
The target is deafened for 5 rounds.