¶ Craft Wand
Type of feat: Item Creation (General Feat)
Prerequisite: Spellcaster Level 5+
Specifics: The spellcaster can create a wand of any spell of sixth level or lower that he knows. Crafting a wand costs both XP and gold, depending on the level of the spell to be crafted into the wand. A newly created wand has 50, 40(Extend Spell), 30(Empower Spell) or 20(Maximized Spell) charges.
¶ Cormyr Craft Wand changes:
- Changed the XP cost formula to be independent of gold cost, and instead be calculated as 1 + item caster level + 1 per spell innate level. Overall this will reduce XP costs for high level spells, but may slightly increase the cost of some low level spells.
- Metamagic wands can now be crafted (extended, empowered, maximized). Metamagic wands have an increased XP and Gold cost, increased by the metamagic spell slot level increase. The XP formula is 1 + item caster level + (1 per spell innate level * (1 + metamagic spell slot level increase)). Gold is plus an additional 50% per metamagic spell slot level increase.
- Changed to allow up to 6th innate level spells. (Metamagic does not count towards this, so you could craft a 6th level maximized wand that'd require 9th level spells to prepare)
Exceptions: Shadow Double, Shadow Walk, and Teleport spells cannot be crafted into wands.
On Cormyr casting a spell on a blank bone wand now opens a NUI menu for crafting:
- You can now select how many items to craft up to 10 at a time.
- Wand appearances can be customized during crafting. Appearances are saved for each spell when crafted (ie. A wand of haste will remember what your last crafted wand of haste looked like).
- Calculated crafting costs are now shown before crafting.
- Newly purchased Sheafs of Scrolls, Casks of Empty Potion Bottles, and Boxes of Unechanted Bone Wands now come with 100 items for unpacking. Sheafs and casks will unpack 10 at a time, boxes of wands will unpack 1 wand at a time.