To be elible for epic spells, you must:
Further details on how to cast epic spells and the spells themselves can be found here.
Epic spell research requests must be requested in a new post on the epic spell research board here.
The caster works for 8 hours each day. He cannot rush the process by working longer each day. However the days need not be consecutive, and the caster can use the rest of his time as he sees fit. A character who takes a break from spell research to adventure should keep track of how many days of work remain on that spell.
When researching, the caster should not travel far (more than 2-3 areas) from their chosen research location (such as your player home, faction area, chosen inn your character stays at, etc), but may visit their chosen social hub (Arabel, Yulash, Sschindyrlyn or Maerimydra) freely.
The caster cannot perform any strenuous activity, including (but not limited to) adventuring, fighting, and casting spells. Failure to follow these rules results in a day lost of research time. The total time researching is extended by an equal number of days (you go adventuring one day in RL, your crafting time is extended by one day in RL).
To request an epic spell, provide the following information:
Server login:
Character Name:
Chosen Social Hub:
Research Location:
Hit Dice (Character level without ECL):
Effective Character Level:
Epic Spell Requested:
When requesting an epic spell, please remember to calculate your XP cost according to your ECL. All XP costs are rounded up.
Example completed form:
Server login: The One Who Casts Knock
Character Name: Darren Coldsteel
Chosen Social Hub: Arabel
Research Location: Darren's player house in Immersea
Hit Dice (Character level without ECL): 27
Effective Character Level: 29
Epic Spell Requested:
Epic Mage Armor - DC 63
Gold: 567,000
Time: 12 Days
XP: 4224 (4,536 * 27 / 29 = 4223.17 rounded up to 4224)
These numbers are for base races and ECL 0 characters. Please use the following formula with the information below to calculate your ECL XP cost: Spell XP Cost x Level / (Level + ECL)
Snuffles the Level 25 Tiefling wishes to research Dragon Knight. He has 24 mechanical levels, and 1 ECL. Dragon Knight costs 5,472 XP base.
5,472 x 24 / (24 + 1) = 5,254 (we round decimals up!)
5,254 is his modified experience cost with ECL taken into account. This calculation does not affect gold cost or research time.
Feat #2212 "Epic Spell: Army Unfallen"
Gold: 648,000
Time: 13 Days
XP: 5,184
Feat #2214 "Epic Spell: Audience of Stone"
Gold: 675,000
Time: 14 Days
XP: 5,400
Feat #2220 "Epic Spell: Champion's Valor"
Gold: 630,000
Time: 13 Days
XP: 5,040
Feat #2226 "Epic Spell: Deadeye Sense"
Gold: 513,000
Time: 11 Days
XP: 4,104
Feat #2232 "Epic Spell: Dragon Knight"
Gold: 684,000
Time: 14 Days
XP: 5,472
Feat #2242 "Epic Spell: Epic Mage Armor"
Gold: 567,000
Time: 12 Days
XP: 4,536
Feat #2260 "Epic Spell: Greater Ruin"
Gold: 531,000
Time: 11 Days
XP: 4,284
Feat #2262 "Epic Spell: Greater Spell Resistance"
Gold: 603,000
Time: 13 Days
XP: 4,824
Feat #2264 "Epic Spell: Greater Timestop"
Gold: 585,000
Time: 12 Days
XP: 4,680
Feat #2268 "Epic Spell: Hellball"
Gold: 918,000
Time: 19 Days
XP: 7,344
Feat #2270 "Epic Spell: Heroic Alliance"
Gold: 720,000
Time: 15 Days
XP: 5,760
Feat #2272 "Epic Spell: Heroic Empowerment"
Gold: 675,000
Time: 14 Days
XP: 5,400
Feat #2284 "Epic Spell: Mass Penguin"
Gold: 675,000
Time: 14 Days
XP: 5,400
Feat #2286 "Epic Spell: Momento Mori"
Gold: 765,000
Time: 16 Days
XP: 6,120
Feat #2288 "Epic Spell: Mummy Dust"
Gold: 684,000
Time: 14 Days
XP: 5,472
Feat #2322 "Epic Spell: Superb Dispelling"
Gold: 621,000
Time: 13 Days
XP: 4,968
Feat #2278 "Epic Spell: Verdigris Tsunami"
Gold: 918,000
Time: 19 Days
XP: 7344