1373 DR - The Year of the Long Winter (RL: roughly 2007-2008)
Masterminds of Eternal Winter: Alu'Vien Darkstar, half-erinyes champion of Auril the Frostmaiden, and Cheel Vorastryx, half-white dragon kobold chieftain and sorcerer
A cult of Auril led by the half-erinyes Alu'Vien Darkstar allies with the Aussir-Verthricha Throden ("Many of the White Mountain") tribe of white dragon-blooded kobolds led by their half-dragon chieftain Cheel Vorastryx in the Thunder Peaks and collaborate to induce a persistent winter (Fimbulvetr, in the Giant tongue) over the region. The attempt is disrupted by adventurers, and the unfinished ritual casts the leaders of the group into the planes.
The night hag Baba Yurgi raises her lair, the Tower of Ruin, in a secluded region of the Hullack Forest. She is slain some time later, but the Tower remains, guarded by constructs, undead, and slaadi.
The elven village of Ssrenshen is utterly destroyed. It was confirmed by Deepingdales' intelligence network that while drow were the initial assailant, Shadovar had native infiltrators and traitors from inside Deepingdale and Velethuil's walls. It was ultimately a Shadovar manipulation and an attempt to wipe out much of the Auzkovyn clan of Vhaeraunite drow and elven warriors from Ssrenshen at once. Supporting this evidence, there was an explosion from beneath the city that killed both elves and drow.