The list has been sorted alphabetically according to the first letter past the "####" while maintaining the original formatting:
Granted for free when taking two-weapon fighting.
Rage is now a free action instant cast, and will extend its duration if already active. Effects increase as Barbarian levels do. See barbarian rage list.
Only requires Ranger level 16. Still an epic feat.
1.5 Turns + 1 Round / HD duration. Cannot be dispelled. Instant cast. 8 minute cooldown. Unaffected by Wild Magic.
Requirement lowered to 24 Dex.
Scales from -1 AB/+1 DMG to -5 AB/+5 DMG. The scaling is tied to a character's base attack bonus, at a rate of -1/+1 per 4 base attack bonus, with a minimum of -1/+1.
Doubles the damage scaling of Power Attack.
Strength requirement reduced to 24.
Changed to deal bonus custom Devastating (Unresistable) damage instead of death.
Damage bonuses of 50 for a 2 handed weapons(Including double weapons) and 35 for 1 handed weapons, scaling according to the weapon base threat range. Bonus damage applied without a save.
Failed save will result in a 1 round Stun.
Weapon damage scaling
One-handed weapon
18-20: 15
19-20: 25
20: 35
Two-handed weapon
18-20: 25
19-20: 40
20: 50
Duration is now 10 Rounds + 1 round per Charisma modifier. Now a free-action instant cast. Duration is extended if previously cast.
Duration is now 10 Rounds + 1 round per Charisma modifier. The AC bonus is now Shield bonus and is limited to +10. Now a free-action instant cast. Duration is extended if previously cast.
Wisdom requirement reduced to 26.
Now requires shifter level 14+.
Dragon Shape now includes all standard chromatic and metallic dragon varieties. The radial options may be set with '/setdragonshapes'. Resting is required before shifting after setting. Dragon Shape Damage Reduction replaced with 20% immunity to all physical damage types.
Ranger's Dual-Wield will now function in light chain (Base AC 4)
This is a kludge system, as implemented it will temporarily give you the Two-Weapon Fighting and Ambidexterity feats when the requirements are met.
Grants 40 Hit Points per feat.
Dexterity requirement reduced to 24. Tumble requirement reduced to 24.
Wisdom requirement reduced to 24.
Split into two separate feats, Epic Reputation (Famous) and Epic Reputation (Clandestine). The former are characters widely known by even NPCs for their actions by name, while the latter are secretive and known only by reputation (as a code name, pseudonym, or the like).
The Famous variant now gives +4 Persuasion, +4 Bluff, +4 Intimidation, and +4 Perform.
The Clandestine variant gives +4 Disguise, +4 Sense Motive, +4 Bluff, and +4 Intimidation.
Players may only ever have one of these feats.
9th Circle spells requirement removed to prevent a bug preventing Sorcerer / PRCs from taking the feat
Combined with Lingering Song into the new feat 'Empowered Music.'
Requires 26 wisdom and Infinite Wildshape.
Replacement for Dragon Shape for pure druids.
Offers Treant, Elder Myconid, and Mist Dragon shape.
Charisma requirement reduced to 24.
To function, Hide in Plain Sight requires the character have spent 10 points in both Hide and Move Silently and have at least 10 in both skills after modifiers for HIPS to function.
Range is the same as Improved Whirlwind.
Hits Twice
Dexterity requirement reduced to 18.
Requires 15 Dexterity. (Changed due to Two-Weapon Fighting requirement)
Now given at druid level 14.
Perform requirement reduced to 24.
Levels in bard required reduced to 16. (Still must be taken as an epic feat)
Will now heal an amount equal to 10% of the target's max HP x the caster's Charisma mod. Damage vs undead remains unchanged.
Combined with Extra Music into the new feat 'Empowered Music.'
Strength and Constitution requirements reduced to 20.
This feat does not affect Barbarian custom rage at this time and does absolutely nothing. Should not be taken. May see use in the future.
Strength requirement lowered to 22.
Constitution requirement reduced to 24.
Wisdom and Charisma requirements reduced to 20.
Duration increased to 5 turns.
Concealment, AC, and Damage Reduction buffed to:
20% concealment, 10/+2 DR, +2 Dodge AC at 4.
30% concealment, 10/+3 DR, +3 Dodge AC at 6.
40% concealment, 15/+4 DR, +4 Dodge AC at 8.
50% concealment, 15/+5 DR, +5 Dodge AC at 10.
While the barbarian is raging, any enemy that comes close to him must make a will save opposed by 10 + the barbarian's base intimidate check or become panicked for 1d3+1 rounds. All opponents also receive a -2 penalty to attack and saving throw rolls and 30% spell failure for 10 rounds. Fear and Mind immunity protect from the effects of Terrifying Rage.
Fixed enemies immune to fear automatically failing their save.
Fixed enemies immune to paralysis being immune to terrifying rage's effects.
Enemies who succeed their saving throw become immune to terrifying rage for 10 rounds.
Strength requirement reduced to 24.
Deafness chance changed from 25% to 50%.
Deafness save DC changed to DC 26.
Massive Criticals bonus changed to 1d8 positive damage bonus.
Buffs your offhand weapon or gloves.
Grants 2 Hit Points per level.
Turn Undead has received a great many changes which can be read in full here.
Now works in natural underground areas.
Requires 15 Dexterity. Grants Ambidexterity for free.
All sneak attack progressing classes count for both defender and attacker class level calculations. Applies both when denying flanked sneak attacks from attackers or overcoming defenders levels.
Extra Music, Lingering Song, and Lasting Inspiration may be taken on Dragonsong Lyricist levels, but not Curse Song.
Prerequisite: Minimum Level 9, Aasimar
Some of your latent Celestial abilities have Matured
Benefit: Gain the benefit of Bless as a spell like ability 3 times per day.
Additionally you have sprouted wings appropriate to your heritage, revealing the power of your supernatural bloodline.
You will need to ask a DM in-game to spawn the Appearance Changer to create your wings.
Type of Feat: Class-Specific (This feat can only be taken on a Silverstar of Selune level.)
You have mastered the ancient elven techniques of drawing power from Sehanine Moonbow's light.
Benefit: When you cast a spell under moonlight, your effective caster level increases by 2. This feat provides no benefit when the moon is not visible (During the day or underground).
Prerequisite: Drow, Duergar
You have become accustomed to living on the surface, and no longer suffer a penalty to attack (Or greater penalties in the case of Duergar) in bright light.
Prerequisite: Evil
Specifics: The character formally supplicates themself to an archdevil. In return for obedience, the character gains +1 to all saves versus spells and gains access to the Diabolic Disciple prestige class.
This feat is a mark that the character is wholly evil. It is a vile feat and to be taken only by the most evil characters. Once taken, this feat cannot ever be removed from the character.
Type: Class-Specific (Can be taken as a general feat on any PRC, Bard, Swordmage level. Doomguide may take it as a bonus feat only.)
Prerequisite: Turn Undead, Extra Turning
Add 2d6 Divine damage to all melee attacks against undead enemies for 5 rounds. Costs 1 Turn Undead use.
Prerequisite: Charisma 13, Lore 4, Perform 6 (Only available on Bard levels.)
Type of Feat: General
Specifics: Your song echoes the power of a dragon. You gain a +2 on Perform Checks involving song. The DC of any of your songs increases by 2.
Use: Automatic
Type: Class-Specific (Can only be taken on a Dragonsong Lyricist level.)
Prerequisite: Dragonsong Lyricist level 1.
Required for: Greater Dragonsong Focus
Specifics: A character with this feat gains a +2 bonus to Dragonsong save DC
Use: Automatic
Type: Class-Specific (Can be taken as a general PRC, Bard, Swordmage level, but not Cleric.)
Prerequisites: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Extra Turning, Cha 13
You can turn or rebuke more undead than usual. After adding your cleric level and charisma modifier to your turning roll, multiply it by 1.5.
Type: Class-Specific (Can only be taken on Swordmage levels.)
Prerequisite: Incantations I, 8 ranks in Spellcraft.
The damage of some Swordmage Incantations are increased. Flame Gauntlet damage is increased by 1.2x, Void is increased by 1.5x. Increases spell levels absorbed by Spellshields by 1.5x. Increases damage absorbed by elemental protection by 1.5x. Increases durations of Discern, Light, Veil, Blinkplate, Greater Blinkplate, Silversteel, Scales of the Dragon, Chaos Slash by 2x. (Pending some bug fixes, this may be changed.)
Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Bard Song.
Specifics: The duration of the character's bard song lasts one additional turn, and curse song an additional 5 rounds. The effective level of all songs are increased by 2 where perform skill requirements are met for the new empowered song level(May bypass bards Hit Dice), and the character gains an additional number of songs per day equal to their positive charisma modifier to a maximum bonus equal to their bard song progressing class levels.
Use: Automatic.
Prerequisite: Minimum Level 9, Tiefling
Some of your latent Fiendish Abilities have matured.
Benefit: Gain the benefit of Doom as a spell like ability three times per day.
Additionally you have sprouted wings appropriate to your heritage, revealing the power of your supernatural bloodline.
You will need to ask a DM in-game to spawn the Appearance Changer to create your wings.
Type: Class-Specific (Can only be taken on a Dragonsong Lyricist level.)
Prerequisite: Dragonsong Focus.
Required for: Epic Dragonsong Focus.
Specifics: A character with this feat, gaining a +4 bonus to Dragonsong save DC.
Use: Automatic.
Type: Class-Specific (Can be taken as a general PRC, Bard, Swordmage level, but not Cleric, or as Doomguide bonus feat but not general feat. )
Prerequisites: Ability to turn or rebuke undead, Extra Turning, Charisma 13
You forfeit the ability to control or destroy undead by turning, but turn undead at double your casterlevel.
Use: Toggled Mode.
Prerequisite: Shadow Weave
Type of Feat: General
Specifics: When you cast a Invisibility spell, your spell duration is doubled.
Use: Automatic.
Type: Class-Specific (Can only be taken on Swordmage levels.)
Requires Weaponized Arcana III. (Swordmage ability)
Weapons affected by Weaponized Arcana now gain the Keen property.
Prerequisite: Shadow Weave
Type of Feat: General
Specifics: you gains a +4 on caster level checks to defeat a Weave user's Spell Resistance. Doesn’t Extend to Evocation and Transmutation spells.
Use: Automatic.
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 4
Type of Feat: General.
Increases your caster level by 1 for each non-Swordmage level you have, up to 5. This can’t increase your caster level beyond your HD. (Ex. A Bard 3 / Swordmage 4 will increase her caster level by 3, not 5.)
Prerequisite: Spellcraft 4
Type of Feat: General.
Specifics: Your caster level for the chosen class increase by +4. This can't increase your caster level beyond your HD. (Ex: a Fighter 2 / Wizard 5 increase his caster level from 5 to 7).
Use: Automatic.
Type of Feat: General
Prerequisite: Spellcaster Level 1st+. Clerics must have two of the following domains: Darkness, Evil, Fire.
Specifics: Add a +1 bonus to the DC for all saving throws of spells you cast from the schools of Enchantment, Illusion, and Necromancy, and spells with the darkness descriptor. You gain a +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance for these schools and spells. Your effective caster level for spells you cast from the schools of Evocation or Transmutation (except spells with the darkness descriptor) is reduced by one. You can no longer cast spells with the light descriptor, no matter what your level is. Such spells automatically fail.
Use: Automatic.
Special: This feat once taken is permanent, and can never be removed. Those who do not worship Shar or stop worshiping Shar will permanently lose 2 points of wisdom. This wisdom cannot ever be regained even if you later change your patron to Shar.
Type of Feat: Caster, General
Prerequisite: Skill Focus: Spellcraft, Spellcraft 22 ranks
Specifics: Allows spells to avoid dealing damage to allies in party.
Use: Toggled Mode.
Prerequisite: Level 1 Arcane Spellcasting (Wizard), Thayan Human.
Type of Feat: General
Specifics: Determines your Red Wizard's Enhanced Specialization spell school.
Use: Automatic.
This feat should only be taken by human thayan characters as a prerequisite for taking Red Wizard. This feat does nothing for non-Red Wizards.
Prerequisite: Shadow Weave
Type of Feat: Metamagic
Specifics: Your spells resist dispelling attempts by Weave users.
When a Weave caster makes a dispel check to dispel one of your spells, the DC is increased by +4. This benefit does not extend to spells you cast from the schools of Evocation or Transmutation.
Use: Automatic.
Prerequisite: Evil
Specifics: The character formally supplicates themself to a demon prince. In return for obedience, the character gains +1 to all spell DCs and gains access to the Demonic Servitor prestige class.
This feat is a mark that the character is wholly evil. It is a vile feat and to be taken only by the most evil characters. Once taken, this feat cannot ever be removed from the character.
Prerequisite: Varies by class
Specifics: You have learned to fight with your weapons in different ways. A character with this feat can, assuming he does not have an unusual phenotype, change his fighting style every so often (90 seconds). Each style must be learned separately. Different styles are learned at given levels by certain classes, though anyone may use a feat choice to learn one at any time. Note that these fighting styles do not give any game bonuses, they merely alter the appearance of the character's fighting moves.
Use: Selected.
"Trained" skills require ranks in the skill in order to be allowed to roll for this skill. Other skills may be rolled untrained.
While this skill it not modified, it is commonly mixed with Disguise. It is an RP skill. It is usually opposed by Sense Motive checks. We ask that you play nice with others when this skill is being RPed. A character can lie, and perhaps even convince others, even if the person playing that character doesn't have particular skills at writing a liar/bluff artist. This skill represents the ability to control body language, voice, or language in order to portray falsehood or hide/disguise facts.
Changed from using Intelligence to Dexterity.
Can now be cross-classed.
CD's horse system does not grant bonus AC when riding with the Ride skill. May be used in select RP or rare mechanical jousting games.
Determines how adept a character is at performing hand tricks. This includes pick pocketing.
Countered by Spot. (Note that taking items from PCs is a hostile action. This is the default skill Pick Pocket renamed)
Can now be cross-classed.
Gains a synergy bonus from having at least +5 Spellcraft, for a bonus of +2 UMD. This is flat, and gives no more for extra Spellcraft.
The Use Magic Device item value emulation table has also been adjusted, and new Use Limitation properties added.
Appraise now increases the maximum sale price characters can sell items to pawn shops by 1,000 GP for every 5 base ranks.
Ability: charisma
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: no
Determines your ability to disguise yourself. This is a roleplay skill. Countered by Spot, Listen or Sense Motive at the DMs discretion.
This is an RP skill. The name above a character's head can be changed using
. While this is usually opposed by Sense Motive and/or Search, depending on the situation, please play nice with others who are disguised. If you wish to do a roll-off, work with one another and try not to bully someone if they're a lower level or the like. This skill represents being able to disguise a person or an object physically, often with cosmetics, paints, lighting, shifting center of attention, or otherwise.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Determines your general knowledge about ancient Netheril. This is a roleplay skill.
10 base ranks in this skill is required to learn the Netherese (Loross) language.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Determines your general knowledge about Arcane matters. This is a roleplay skill.
Wizards and Sorcerers use this skill to determine the number of Epic Spell Slots they receive per day/rest.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Determines your general knowledge about Cormyr. This is a roleplay skill.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Knowledge (Dalelands) is a subset of the Knowledge Local skill, and represents study/knowledge of the Dalelands region, including the forests of the Cormanthor/Semberholme. Examples of topics related to this skill would be legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws and customs, traditions, and so forth.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Knowledge (Engineering) includes a study of architecture and engineering, including buildings, bridges, fortifications, and such, as well as aspects of Dungeons and Dungeoneering.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Knowledge (History - Elves) is a specific subset of the Knowledge History skill, and represents study of elven history and culture, from the earliest days of elven arrival on Faerun, through the early elven kingdoms, the Crown Wars, and such, as well as later kingdoms such as Cormanthyr, the Fall of Myth Drannor, and so forth.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Determines your general knowledge about History.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Determines your general knowledge about Nature.
Druids use this skill to determine the number of Epic Spell Slots they receive per day/rest.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Determines your general knowledge about Nobility and Royalty.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Determines your general knowledge about Religion.
Clerics and Favored Souls use this skill to determine the number of Epic Spell Slots they receive per day/rest.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Determines your general knowledge about Planar creatures and affairs.
Ability: intelligence
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
Knowledge (Underdark) is a subset of the Knowledge Local skill, and represents study/knowledge of the Underdark region, in particular the Underdark regions in the vicinity of Maerimydra and Sschindylryn, as well as those two cities. Examples of topics related to this skill would be legends, personalities, inhabitants, laws and customs, traditions, and so forth.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.
Ability: wisdom
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
The Profession skill represents training in a livelihood or professional role, such as apothecary, cook, farmer, fisher, herbalist sailor, scribe, teamster, and so forth. When taking this skill, you must select a profession (which doesn't need to be among the examples, ask the staff if unsure about what you have in mind), which should be noted in your posted character biography and/or as an OOC note in your description.
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.
Note that This skill cannot be used to in place of, or to replace, an existing skill, e.g. you cannot take Profession Sage and use that to make a roll in a Knowledge skill you don't have.
to set your profession. The chosen profession will show on your character sheet and in dicerolls, but cannot be changed past level 12 without the help of a DM. You need ranks in the profession skill to choose a profession
Ability: wisdom
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: no
Determines the acuity of a character's intuitive sense about other people. This skill can counter Bluff, Persuade, and Disguise.
This is an RP skill, typically opposing Bluff and/or Disguise. It is meant to represent an examination of a person's body language and speech in order to tell if they are lying or false. Please be cognizant of being fair to others. We prefer roleplay over rollplay any day of the week. If your character is significantly higher level than others, keep that in mind if doing any particular rolls. This skill is NOT an instant way to learn someone's darkest secrets, just that something isn't exactly on the level.
Ability: wisdom
Cross-class skill: yes
Requires training: yes
The Survival skill is used to do things like follow tracks, hunt wild game, guide a group safely through various wilderness and wastelands, identify signs of wildlife and/or monsters living in an area, predict the weather, or avoid natural hazards (such as quicksand).
This is purely a roleplaying skill, with no game mechanics benefits, though it may be used in the course of character interactions and quests at DM request or approval.
Added /usefeat feat name
Adds the feat to your action queue against your current combat target. You can use this to quickly queue combat feats like knockdown against your target without the risk of accidentally clicking on a different target or a friendly.
Supported feats:
arcane fire
arrow of death
blast infidel
called shot
called shot arms
called shot leg
chain of binding
deathless master touch
fellfrost cross
flame gauntlet
hellfire blast
hellfire grasp
imbue arrow
ki damage
lay on hands
lightning fury
quivering palm
smite evil
smite good
stunning fist
undead graft
will blade