Mechanics related to characters levels, experience, the Fairy XP system and Death.
Cormyr and the Dalelands has multiple custom mechanics tied to character creation and customization:
Cormyr has a number of changes to the different crafting systems NWN has, and additionally has some extra system that are fully custom.
While they're unchanged from default NWN, the mechanics of traps are explained here.
Rewards from participating in a DM quest on Cormyr and the Dalelands are not guaranteed, but can take many form. In addition to item rewards, there are Wealth Tokens and Magical Tattoos.
Spell Resistance
1d20 + Caster Level + Feats/Modifiers
Example: A level 15 wizard with Spell Penetration would be the following:
1d20 + 15 +2
Spell DC
DC is 10 + spell level + caster ability modifier + feats
Example: For a level 15 cleric with WIS=18 and spell focus in a given school for hold person would be:
10 +2 + 4 + 2 = 18
Dispel Checks
Caster rolls a d20 + caster level (Capped by the spell) vs.
DC 11 + Target's Caster Level
NPCs use their Hit-Die in most cases.
Shadow Weave and other Shadow Magic Feats can alter dispel checks. Read those feat descriptions for details.
Dispel Level Caps
There seems to be some confusion as to how this feat works:
Practiced Spellcaster (Bard/Cleric/Druid/Favored Soul/Ranger/Sorcerer/Wizard/Assassin/Blackguard) - Prerequisite: Spellcraft 4
Type of Feat: General.
Specifics: Your caster level for the chosen class increase by +4. This can't increased your caster level beyond your HD. (Ex: a Fighter 2 / Wizard 5 increase his caster level from 5 to 7).
Use: Automatic.
In other words, this has no effect for pure spellcasters. It is a feat for multi-class characters, or classes with half-spell progression. Let's analyze this with level 20 characters:
L20 Wizard: No effect
L16 Wizard/4Fighter: Has the spell slots of a level 16 wizard, but spell damage or duration based on level is as if the caster was a level 20 caster.
L8 Paladin: Has the spell slots of a level 8 Paladin, which is normally a level 4 caster, but spell damage or duration is as if the caster was a level 8 caster.
L6Wizard/4fighter/10Spellsword: Has the spell slots of a level 16 caster, but spell damage or duration based on level is as if the caster was a level 20 caster.
When making a grapple check, it is either done by two chars both attempting to grapple the other, or by one attempting to grapple the other.
When one char wishes to grapple another char whom wishes to avoid it, the attacker must make a touch attack on his/her target. Touch attacks are added up in this manner: Attacker rolls a d20+ full unarmed attack bonus(Not including any attack bonus given from gloves or bracers) This is pitted against the targets TOUCH AC. Touch AC is figured up like so: You look at the full AC of the char, then subtract any shield bonus(keep in mind the shield spell counts as this) Natural Armor bonus and Armor Bonus. Only Dodge, deflection and dex mod's are counted to this AC. Also of note, this is the only time a Dex based Char. with the feat Weapon Finesse may use their dex mod in the grapple rolls.
(In the case both chars are attempting to grapple, no touch attack is needed, have at each other)
If the attacker does manage to make a touch attack on the target, the grapple roll is then rolled. Grapple is a d20+Base attack bonus+str mod (dex isn't used even with the Finesse feat). Whomever wins this roll, then has control of the grapple, in other words pinning or gaining control for the round the other char's movement.
Grapples are used when two char's are wrestling or ground fighting. Some times the Touch attack is used, say to grab hold of another char, not followed by a grapple, but perhaps by a str roll to pull them back? Or grab hold of the cloak and jerk them back.
In the case of a rp punch? It is a pvp type action: roll your d20+ab against their ac, if the other char is just standing, then they are flat footed, in which case dodge and dex bonus are removed from their ac (If the target has uncanny dodge they keep their Dex mod to their ac at this point, also if the attacker is invisible and the target has blindfight the target isn't treated as flatfooted and retains it's full ac. Invisible does not include hidden however), if they actively fighting, or avoiding the punch, they are not flat footed.
Now that I've fully confused you, get into the taverns and lets have us some properly rolled out bar brawls people!
We have a lot of custom things on CD. Races, abilities, classes. Some of these are evil or disliked by the commoner community at large. (Please see the Freaks in Arabel post for more.) Some of these characters need to keep hidden at most times during their stint in Arabel and otherwise, and so they have been given several tools in order to do so. Others can make use of the Disguise and Bluff or Intimidate skills. This post is an attempt to go over some of the rules and mechanics of these abilities, and those that *Normally* pierce them in PnP.
That being said, we're here to have fun. Fun can mean a lot of things to a lot of people, but one of our biggest is being able to play what you want within reason. In this vein, a lot of the 'normal' disguise-piercing spells don't work against spells like Alter Self. True Seeing, Scrying, and other forms of magical detection don't automatically pierce the veil that is Alter Self. Likewise, it can safely be assumed that anything that automatically 'outs' your character isn't going to work. For example: Detect Evil needs someone to be set hostile, on CD, and it's not able to be directed at a specific person. This is by design. In the past, players/characters had relentlessly crusaded against any odd or potentially evil concepts, which ruined playing for people who enjoyed those sorts. Current (2021) server design reflects a wish to at least give those players of odd concepts a way to do so wherein they can be 'outed' through roleplay, rather than mechanical means.
The rule about needing to change your race/body entirely still applies. When you cast the spell, you must become the average member of another race. You can't simply change your character's face around, or change their skin tone to disguise. They can, however, change into a different variant of that race. For example: A pale chondathan can alter self to become a swarthy mulani, or an elf might take up a drow's average appearance, but not merely change their skin and nothing else. This CAN NOT be seen through with True Seeing. Only illusions can be seen through with True Seeing. This can be dispelled, and is lost on character death/severe incapacitation.
This spell-like ability changes your character's body and features. Half-Fiends, Half-Celestials, and some other races get this ability for free. They must shift to a specific race, sub-race, or regional race variant upon casting it, not remain themselves with non-standard features. For example, you can turn into an Avariel, but not a human with wings, nor a half-dragon. You may remain looking like an elf, or change from Moon elf to Sun Elf. Unlike cast Alter Self, adept users of this innate ability can alter their appearance to a degree within the limitations of normal appearances for that race/subrace (for instance, to change hair color from brown to blonde on a human). This does not fade on death, nor can it be dispelled.
Some races, such as lycanthropes and hengeyokai, have scent abilities. These do NOT allow a character to tell another's race from scent alone. They have limited identification and tracking abilities. IE - if you've smelled something before, you may be able to track it for a limited time, or to identify a person that you've met. However, if they are disguised and/or using Innate Alter Self, you can NOT immediately recognize who/what they are outside of having met that particular disguise before. Limited ability to tell creatures apart by their scents where and if familiar.
Rounds & Turns
Both rounds and turns are hardcoded in the game's combat engine.
A round is 6 seconds.
A turn is 10 rounds, or 1 minute.
In-Game Hours
Hours can be configured by the module, and will affect anything that uses hours in place of rounds or turns, such as certain spells and abilities.
On Cormyr and the Dalelands, an in-game hour has been increased from 2 minutes to 12 minutes.
PvP is a touchy subject on Cormyr & The Dalelands. We don't get into it often, and most of our players aren't a huge fan of PvP, instead preferring RPed conflict and In-Character solutions, as not everyone is on the same page, mechanically. Not to mention that NWN is terribly balanced for PvP, and our server is no exception.
However, when it comes up, there are some important mechanics to note.
First, please note the Basic Rules at all times. This includes taking guards into account and knowing that there are consequences for fighting. An important part of making sure that PvP is possible (When rare) is the Subdual System.
There are different modes for the Subdual system. Lethal, and Non-Lethal. In PvP, Non-Lethal should be used at almost all times unless a DM advises otherwise. This will allow your opponent to get up after a moment and RP appropriately, as if subdued. This is also advised for duels and other in-character bouts such as melees or contests.
The command to activate subdual is in your Character Journal. It is:/subdual
Characters that ignore the subdual system and actually kill another PC are subject to Cormyr's laws when applicable. Please see Storyline Consequences & Death for more information.
Horses can be purchased from merchants in various spots (primarily Southern Arabel). These grant a widget that allows you to summon and dismiss (by targeting) the horse. Once summoned, use the radial menu to mount and dismount.
Paladins gain the ability to summon a Warhorse, which can be dismissed by using a horse widget on it.
Horses are not meant to be used indoors, even though the scripts may not prevent you from doing so. Please refrain from this.
Do not leave your horses unattended in an area (use the widgets to dismiss them).
You may fight while mounted in outdoor areas, but be advised that this grants no mechanical benefit.
Although the Riding skill is available for selection, it provides no mechanical benefit, and is solely available for Roleplaying use.
You will not need it outside of potential DM-run plots and events - however, if you feel it is appropriate to your character, feel free to take ranks in it for that purpose (RP and use in events).
The Manual Positioning system allows you to move and rotate your character into ordinarily inaccessible locations, as well as set/play various animations. This system lets your character stand, sit, lay etc on usually unwalkable tileset beds; sit on walls; slide closer to someone on a bench, etc. The possibilities are nearly endless.
You can access the conversation with /move
You can also use various chat commands to use the system without the conversation.
/move [direction] [distance] |
Moves your character by the desired distance. Valid [direction] values: forward, back, left, right, up, down You can use /resetheight , /elevationreset , or /move reset to reset your elevation.Note that using too small of a distance might not work correctly. Examples: /move /move forward /move up 1 /move left 0.1 /move reset |
/turn <left|right> [amount] |
Turns your character by the desired amount. Note that using too small of a distance might not work correctly. Examples: /turn left /turn right 45 |
/sit [animation] |
The /sit command has been overhauled to take an optional [animation] argument, which will allow your character to sit in the given animation wherever they're positioned. Valid [animation] values: normal, chair, mope, think, casual, preen, leg, cross, squat Examples: /sit /sit think |
Some types of undead on Cormyr and the Dalelands have had their standard racial immunities modified.
Undead Type |
Immunity to Critical Hits |
Immunity to Sneak Attacks |
Curst | No | No |
Ghasts | No | No |
Ghouls | No | No |
Mummies | No | No |
Skeletons | No | Yes |
Wights | No | No |
Zombies |
No |
No |
These changes apply to encounters in dungeons. Immunities on undead creatures in DM Quests might not reflect these changes.
Turn Undead has been modified here on Cormyr and the Dalelands. This only lists changes from NWN's default Turn Undead feat.
General Changes
Domain |
Effect |
Air |
Can turn elementals. +1 HD turning bonus versus air elementals. |
Chaos |
+1 turning HD bonus versus lawful creatures, -1 turning HD penalty versus chaotic creatures. |
Death |
+1 turning HD bonus versus undead creatures. +3 Caster Level to Animate Dead. |
Destruction |
Damages constructs with (1d3 + turning HD bonus versus that creature) magical damage. |
Earth |
Can turn elementals. +1 HD turning bonus versus earth elementals. |
Evil |
Can turn outsiders. +1 turning HD bonus versus good creatures, -1 turning HD penalty versus evil creatures. |
Fire |
Can turn elementals. +1 HD turning bonus versus fire elementals. |
Good |
Can turn outsiders. +1 turning HD bonus versus evil creatures, -1 turning HD penalty versus good creatures. |
Knowledge |
+ (Wisdom Modifier / 3) turning HD bonus. If your Wisdom Modifier is negative, then you instead receive a (Wisdom Modifier - 2) turning HD penalty. |
Law |
+1 turning HD bonus versus chaotic creatures, -1 turning HD penalty versus lawful creatures. |
Strength |
If you have a higher Strength Modifier than the turnable creature, you get a +1 turning HD bonus versus them. If your Strength Modifier is two or more times higher than theirs, then this bonus is +2. If you have less Strength Modifier than the turnable creature, you receive a -1 turning HD penalty versus them. If they have two or more times higher Strength Modifier than you, then this penalty is -2. |
Sun |
+1d4 to turning level check, +1d6 + 1 to turning HD bonus. |
Travel | +5 meters to your turning radius, for a total of 25 meters. |
Trickery (and Luck) |
Roll 1d20: If you have the Luck domain, subtract 6 from your result. 10 and under, +1d3 HD bonus to turning. 11 and over, -1d3 HD penalty to turning. If you roll a lucky 7, double the bonus. If you roll an unlucky 13, double the penalty. This means you have a 50/50 chance of getting a positive or negative effect. 80/20 chance if you also have the Luck domain. |
War |
Deals (1d3 + turning HD bonus versus that creature) divine damage to all turnable creatures. |
Water |
Can turn elementals. +1 HD turning bonus versus water elementals. |
The Animal, Magic, and Plant domains are unchanged.
Evil characters using Turn Undead will instead invoke Rebuke Undead. Rebuke Undead functions identically to Turn Undead, except:
On Cormyr and the Dalelands, both Druid and Shifter shapechanging has been altered:
command opens up a NUI menu letting you choose wildshape abilities without having to use the radial menu. Right clicking a shape will open up available appearance overrides for that specific shape.
These changes apply to all Druid and Shifter feat based shapeshifting abilities (Wildshape, Elemental Shape, Greater Wildshape I, II, III, IV, Humanoid Shape, Undead Shape, Dragon Shape, Outsider Shape, Epic WildShape).
These changes do not apply to other polymorph effects and spells such as Shapechange, Polymorph Self, Beast Form, racial polymorph effects like lycanthropy, etc.
Due to engine limitations with spontaneous caster spellbooks, PRCs that advance a Sorcerer or Bard's spellbook require spells to be set with chat commands upon each spellbook advancing PRC level.
To add a spell to your spellbook, useaddknownspell <class> <level> <spell id>
Examples:?addknownspell bard 6 113
?addknownspell sorc 4 191
When you level up, all of your previous spells learned through the PRC Spellbook System will be purged and you will be required to set all of your PRC learned spells again. In this way, you are able to switch out earlier PRC learned spells by adding a different spell instead.
You will still see your old spells in your spellbook until after you have set all your spells again and relogged. Spells will be added to your spellbook roughly 30 seconds after logging in.
It is not possible to change spells learned in your base Sorcerer or Bard levels at this time. If you need to change spells learned in a Sorcerer level, you will need to submit either a Relevel or Rebuild Request.
Favoured Soul is not supported by the PRC Spellbook System.
You cannot take more levels in Bard or Sorcerer after you have taken a spellbook advancing PRC. If you do, your known spells list will be incorrect and you will require a relevel.
Use Magic Device to read spell scrolls is a d20 + Use Magic Device skill check vs the scroll's DC. Characters with 5 or more base rank points spent in Spellcraft receive a +2 Synergy Bonus to their Use Magic Device skill checks on scrolls. Wizards and Sorcerers automatically succeed on all scroll UMD rolls if the character has at least 1 point spent in UMD; this includes divine spell scrolls.
The scroll UMD DC is based on a tier corresponding to the scroll's Cast Level:
Scroll Cast Level |
Scroll Use Magic Device DC |
5 or less |
Scroll Cast Level + 7 |
8 or less |
Scroll Cast Level + 10 |
10 or less |
Scroll Cast Level + 13 |
11 or more |
Scroll Cast Level + 17 |
On Cormyr and the Dalelands, additional item properties have been added that may require a Use Magic Device check to use or equip.
Item Property |
Use Limitation: Gender |
Can only be equipped or used by the listed gender. Cannot be bypassed with UMD. |
Use Limitation: No Use Magic Device |
Use Limitation properties on this item cannot be bypassed with UMD. |
Use Limitation: Must Meet All Requirements |
All Use Limitation requirements on the item must be met, rather than only one of each Use Limitation property type. |
Holy Avenger |
Only lawful good paladins may equip Holy Avenger items. Cannot be bypassed with UMD. |
Use Limitation: Class |
Character must have any one of the listed classes. |
Use Limitation: Domain |
Character must have any one of the listed cleric domains. |
Use Limitation: Skill | Character must have any one of the listed skill point requirements. |
Use Limitation: Ability | Character must have any one of the listed ability point requirements. |
Use Limitation: Race | Character must be any one of the listed races. Exotic race templates may sometimes be eligible to meet multiple race requirements (eg: Wood Elf Half-Dragon meets both elf and dragon race requirements) |
Use Limitation: Alignment | Character must meet any one of the listed alignment requirements |
Use Limitation: Deity | Character's patron deity must be any one of the listed deities. |
Use Limitation: Pantheon | Character's patron deity must belong to one of the listed pantheons. |
Use Limitation: Spell School Specialization |
Character's spell school specialization must be any one of the listed spell schools. |
Bypassing Use Magic Device requirements on items other than scrolls requires passing an emulation DC check that scales according to item's base gold cost.
Base Item Value |
Class, Domain, Skill, Spell School Specialization Emulation DC |
Race, Ability Emulation DC |
Alignment, Deity Emulation DC |
1,000 | 1 |
5 |
10 |
4,800 |
5 |
10 |
15 |
20,000 |
10 |
15 |
20 |
50,000 | 15 |
20 |
25 |
100,000 |
20 |
25 |
30 |
250,000 |
25 |
30 |
35 |
500,000 |
30 |
35 |
40 |
Note that this "base gold cost" is not the same as the gold price of an item seen when buying or selling an item from stores, which is an artificial price adjusted by the store's mark up/down pricing and character's appraise skill.
Cormyr and the Dalelands has several tiers of magical item classifications with item level restrictions based on your character's effective level (ECL). These items have colored names.
Item Tier |
Carry Level |
Equip Level |
Tier 1, "Enhanced" (White) |
0 | 0 |
Tier 2, "Dweomered" (Green) |
0 | 0 |
Tier 3, "Enchanted" (Blue) |
0 | 10 |
Tier 4, "Ensorcelled" (Purple) |
13 | 15 |
Tier 5, "Eldritch" (Orange) |
18 | 20 |
Tier 6, "Ancient" (Pink) |
23 | 25 |
DM Reward Items (Red) |
* |
* |
Generally, item tiers correspond to the item's enchantment value. i.e. +2 for Tier 2, +3 for Tier 3, et cetera.
DM Reward Items (Red) are special items awarded to characters during certain quests. These items are created at or below the awarded character's current equippable item tier. DM Reward Items can be gifted to other player under the following rules:
As our server rules state, do NOT hold onto items for someone who is under that item's tier level restrictions to receive once they're higher level. Keeping items to kit out a lower level friend is known as 'twinking', and is considered the same as 'muling' and will be treated the same by the server rules.
As an important note to add: DMs will often equip NPCs during quests with specially made items that are not bound to our player item guidelines. These items are intended to be only used and carried by NPCs, and will often be denoted as being NPC items in the item name or item description.
Do not loot NPC corpses or pick up NPC dropped items in quests unless the DM explicitly tells you to.
Ghost Touch allows a weapon to bypass the concealment chance on incorporeal creatures. Ghost Touch can be found on high level loot items (pending loot update), on Tier 4 or higher DM item rewards, or as a temporarily property given by Doomguide's Bond of Fatal Touch class ability
The Returning item property converts ammunition and ranged throwing weapons into infinite stacks of ammunition and thrown weapons that never run out.
This property may occasionally be seen on high level loot items (pending loot update) or be offered as a DM reward. In the case of the latter, there are some rules governing the eligibility for returning ammunition and throwing weapons as a DM reward:
Returning ammunition and throwing weapons are only available for Tier 4 or higher equippable item rewards.
A returning ammunition item will be bundled for free with any ranged weapon that isn't using the other "Infinite Ammunition" property if the character does not already have returning ammunition of that weapon's ammo type.
A player can request a returning ammunition item reward instead of another equippable weapon/item reward, and will be given 2 different returning ammunition items. (note: this is for returning ammunition, returning throwing weapons only receive 1 throwing weapon.)
Assassin Dagger The assassin dagger is a normal dagger wielded in a palm-down mode, making it effective for backstabbing and other unexpected attacks. Notes: Can be finessed. Works with monk UBAB/Flurry of Blows. |
Weight (lb) | 1 |
Damage | 1d4 | |
Criticals | 19-20/x2 | |
Damage Type |
Piercing | |
Size | Tiny | |
Proficiency | Simple, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Wizard |
Weapon Feats |
Dagger |
Double Scimitar The curved blades of the double scimitar are used most effectively when spinning and twirling with the weapon. Despite its size, the weapon benefits more from quick, precise movement than from brute force. |
Weight (lb) | 15 |
Damage | 1d6/1d6 | |
Criticals | 18-20/x2 | |
Damage Type |
Slashing | |
Size | Large | |
Proficiency | Exotic | |
Weapon Feats |
Two-sided Sword |
Falchion The falchion is a brutal, hacking weapon. Not subtle, and not good for defense. It is, however, a fairly simple and inexpensive weapon to make because its broad, heavy blade can be forged thickly of cheap metal by inexperienced smiths. For this reason it is popular among some armies. |
Weight (lb) | 16 |
Damage | 2d4 | |
Criticals | 18-20/x2 | |
Damage Type |
Slashing | |
Size | Large | |
Proficiency | Martial | |
Weapon Feats |
Greatsword |
Goad Derived from a tool used to herd unruly oxen, the goad has seen use as a weapon in its own right. |
Weight (lb) | 3 |
Damage | 1d6 | |
Criticals | 20/x2 | |
Damage Type |
Piercing | |
Size | Small |
Proficiency | Martial | |
Weapon Feats |
Sickle |
Heavy Mace A heavy mace is a simple weapon, made of metal and ideal for smashing opponents. |
Weight (lb) | 12 |
Damage | 1d8 | |
Criticals | 20/x2 | |
Damage Type |
Bludgeoning | |
Size | Medium | |
Proficiency | Simple, Rogue |
Weapon Feats |
Warhammer |
Heavy Pick Originally a miner's tool like the shovel, the pick has found more deadly uses defending home, hearth and kingdom. It has become a specialized weapon, known for its deadly ability to pierce even the heaviest of armor plates. |
Weight (lb) | 6 |
Damage | 1d6 | |
Criticals | 20/x4 | |
Damage Type |
Piercing | |
Size | Medium | |
Proficiency | Martial | |
Weapon Feats |
Battleaxe |
Katar The katar is also known as a punching dagger, discrete and efficient. Notes: Can be finessed. Works with monk UBAB/Flurry of Blows. |
Weight (lb) | 2 |
Damage | 1d4 | |
Criticals | 20/x3 | |
Damage Type |
Piercing | |
Size | Tiny | |
Proficiency | Simple, Druid, Monk, Rogue, Wizard |
Weapon Feats |
Dagger |
Light Pick Originally a miner's tool like the shovel, the pick has found more deadly uses defending home, hearth and kingdom. It has become a specialized weapon, known for its deadly ability to pierce even the heaviest of armor plates. Notes: Can be finessed. |
Weight (lb) | 4 |
Damage | 1d4 | |
Criticals | 20/x4 | |
Damage Type |
Piercing | |
Size | Small | |
Proficiency | Martial | |
Weapon Feats |
Battleaxe |
Maul The maul is a huge hammer designed to deliver devastating blows in combat. |
Weight (lb) | 20 |
Damage | 1d12 | |
Criticals | 20/x3 | |
Damage Type |
Bludgeoning | |
Size | Large | |
Proficiency | Martial | |
Weapon Feats |
Warhammer |
Mercurial Greatsword Quicksilver flows into the blade of this greatsword from a resevoir in its hilt, increasing both the blade's weight and its capacity to do damage. |
Weight (lb) | 17 |
Damage | 2d6 | |
Criticals | 20/x4 | |
Damage Type |
Slashing | |
Size | Large | |
Proficiency | Exotic | |
Weapon Feats |
Greatsword |
Mercurial Longsword Quicksilver flows into the blade of this longsword from a resevoir in its hilt, increasing both the blade's weight and its capacity to do damage. |
Weight (lb) | 6 |
Damage | 1d8 | |
Criticals | 20/x4 | |
Damage Type |
Slashing | |
Size | Medium | |
Proficiency | Exotic | |
Weapon Feats |
Longsword |
Notes: Works with monk UBAB/Flurry of Blows. |
Weight (lb) | 2 |
Damage | 1d6 |
Criticals | 19-20/x2 | |
Damage Type |
Bludgeoning | |
Size | Small | |
Proficiency | Exotic, Monk |
Weapon Feats |
Light Flail |
Sai This exotic weapon is shaped like a dagger but it has no edge and no point. The sai is as much a defensive weapon as an offensive one, and is traditionally wielded in pairs. Notes: Can be finessed. Works with monk UBAB/Flurry of Blows. |
Weight (lb) | 1 |
Damage | 1d4 | |
Criticals | 19-20/x2 | |
Damage Type |
Bludgeoning | |
Size | Tiny | |
Proficiency | Exotic, Monk |
Weapon Feats |
Dagger |
Sap The sap is a simple weapon, typically consisting of a small bag filled with sand or lead shot. |
Weight (lb) | 3 |
Damage | 1d6 | |
Criticals | 20/x2 | |
Damage Type |
Bludgeoning | |
Size | Small | |
Proficiency | Martial, Rogue |
Weapon Feats |
Dagger |
Trident (one-handed) This three-tined variation of a spear is a favored weapon of some undersea humanoids. |
Weight (lb) | 2 |
Damage | 1d8 | |
Criticals | 20/x3 | |
Damage Type |
Piercing | |
Size | Medium | |
Proficiency | Martial |
Weapon Feats |
Trident |
Wind Fire Wheel The traditional wind and fire wheel has three limbs of three-blades attached to its outer edge. Notes: Can be finessed. Works with monk UBAB/Flurry of Blows. |
Weight (lb) | 1 |
Damage | 1d4 | |
Criticals | 19-20/x2 | |
Damage Type |
Slashing | |
Size | Small | |
Proficiency | Exotic, Monk |
Weapon Feats |
Kama |
Some weapons share weapon feats for Weapon Focus, Weapon Specialization, Improved Critical, Weapon of Choice, Overwhelming Critical, Devastating Critical, Epic Weapon Focus, and Epic Weapon Specialization.
Note: This does not affect the weapon proficiency feats or your choice of weapon feats available during level up.
For example:
To wield a Mercurial Greatsword you will still need Exotic Weapon Proficiency.
To take Greatsword weapon feats for use with your Mercurial Greatsword during level up you still need Martial Weapon Proficiency.
If you don't have the weapon proficiency feat needed to take a weapon feat for your weapon, you can take a placeholder weapon feat and make a LETO request to have the placeholder swapped for the correct feat.
The following base weapons have been modified:
Elven Chain This very light chainmail is made of very fine mithral links. |
Weight (lb) | 20 |
Base Armor Class |
5 |
Maximum Dexterity Bonus |
5 |
Armor Check Penalty |
-2 | |
Arcane Spell Failure |
20% | |
Proficiency | Light Armor |
Mithral Fullplate This full plate is made of mithral, and thus offers protection equal to steel while weighing less and being less cumbersome. |
Weight (lb) | 35 |
Base Armor Class | 8 | |
Maximum Dexterity Bonus | 3 | |
Armor Check Penalty |
-4 | |
Arcane Spell Failure | 25% | |
Proficiency | Medium Armor |
Adamantine Fullplate Adamantine full plate is among the rarest and most prized of heavy armors. |
Weight (lb) | 50 |
Base Armor Class | 11 | |
Maximum Dexterity Bonus | 1 | |
Armor Check Penalty |
-8 | |
Arcane Spell Failure | 45% | |
Proficiency | Heavy Armor |
On Cormyr and the Dalelands, you'll come across dungeons that have locked doors and chests. Sometimes these can be bashed, by players with sufficient strength. We prefer that you make friends and find a rogue that you can bribe with candy to come aid you with larceny. Some doors cannot be bashed, and must be picked. In the case of inn rooms or player homes, a key is required for privacy purposes and the doors cannot be locked or bashed.
When bashing a locked object, you must beat the object's Open Lock DC:
1d20 + Strength Modifier * 3 + Bashing Modifier vs Open Lock DC
Your Bashing Modifier is calculated from a Base Modifier which is dependent on your weapon, which is then adjusted by your size modifier.
Weapon |
Base Modifier |
Maul | 4 |
Dwarven Waraxe |
4 |
Greataxe | 4 |
Greatsword |
4 |
Heavy Flail |
4 |
Heavy Pick |
4 |
Mercurial Greatsword |
4 |
Warhammer |
4 |
Heavy Mace |
4 |
Battleaxe |
4 |
Bastard Sword |
2 |
Dire Mace |
2 |
Double Axe |
2 |
Double Scimitar |
2 |
Falchion |
2 |
Handaxe | 2 |
Katana |
2 |
Light Flail |
2 |
Light Mace |
2 |
Light Pick |
2 |
Longsword |
2 |
Morningstar |
2 |
Mercurial Longsword |
2 |
Throwing Axe |
2 |
Piercing Weapons |
Dagger |
-20 |
Assassin's Dagger |
-20 |
Dart |
-20 |
Heavy Crossbow |
-20 |
Light Crossbow |
-20 |
Longbow |
-20 |
Rapier |
-20 |
Shurikan |
-20 |
Sickle |
-20 |
Shortbow |
-20 |
Spear |
-20 |
Trident |
-20 |
Whip |
-20 |
Unarmed |
Unarmed |
0 |
Unarmed (Ki Strike) |
2 |
Unarmed (Improved Ki Strike +4 or higher) |
4 |
Size Modifier
Size |
Modifier Adjustment |
Huge | +8 |
Large | +4 |
Small | -4 |
Tiny | -8 |
A Medium sized creature bashing a locked door with a longsword would have a Bashing Modifier of +2.
A small sized creature bashing a locked door with a dagger would have a Bashing Modifier of -24.
A large sized creature bashing a locked door with unarmed attacks who does not have Ki Strike or Improved Unarmed Attack +4 or higher would have a modifier of +4.