- These rules are not concrete, and are meant as a guideline. If the spirit of the rules is being abused in a way that negatively affects the community, the offending party will be removed from said community. The rules are meant to keep us all on an even playing field where we can all have fun.
More than anything else, this will prevent problems. If something seems wrong or violates the spirit of these rules, it almost certainly is. We are all adults here, and we should all expect to be treated like adults. All players are expected to have read these rules. Ask questions if need be, either via the Ask The Staff forum (click for link) or Support Channel on the server's Discord chat.
A part of this includes maintaining a healthy suspension of disbelief. While we aren't going to be hyper-strict about things, we do expect people to stay in character, and, as such, to try to not spoil the immersion of your fellow players.
For example:
→ Gold. CD doesn't have a gold-limited economy. The gold you have is limited only by the amount of time you want to spend farming dungeons. Thus, ridiculous fortunes aren't meant to be taken into account ICly. Things like acting like gold has no value, or that you have millions and millions and could buy half the city, highlight this flaw, and should be avoided.
→ Locations & NPCs. Every place in the (FR) world (and connected inner/outer planes, etc) exists, even if it's not in the module. Generally we use generic stand ins, or specially created areas, if we need something outside the scope of the module (like traveling to Waterdeep, or such). It's conceptually there, and the limits are only a function of the module. This includes having NPCs populate a public area/city; due to lag, the actual population of towns and cities cannot be accurately represented.
→ Power/NPCs/Boss Monsters. CD goes to epic levels, but it's capped at 30 - and more importantly, active characters are not meant to outpace, or outflex, the Legendary Chosen of the Gods (nevermind the Gods themselves). If you want to try, that's fine... but it means retiring your PC. What we'd like to avoid is people hanging around, ICly dismissing powerful things like Demi-Liches, Dragons, Elminster/Szass Tam/Vangerdahast/Sammaster, etc etc... anything that a character (new or not) ought to take seriously, ignoring the game mechanics. It really destroys immersion if one person talks ICly about how dangerous the Ruins of Whatever are, and someone else chimes in, ICly, "oh, yeah, I've killed that demi-lich at least ten times now, he's not so tough."
Basically, act like your character takes it seriously. Not everything should be a joke, not every Big Bad enemy needs to be taunted and claimed as an ‘easy’ challenge. For more reading, see Suspension of Disbelief.
Treat your fellow players and DMs with respect. We're all working together to try to create a vibrant world that's fun to play in, with a compelling storyline. Respect and courtesy breeds the same. If you're rude to someone, is it any surprise they respond the same way? Be civil and polite in any out-of-character dealings, whether in the game or on the forums. People who make everyone around them miserable are the sort that no one wants around. Also, keep your cool on the forums and in the Discord chat. We've more than once had arguments break down into fighting, name-calling, and the other usual online ridiculousness over in-game or interpersonal conflict. Nobody enjoys it; don't do it.
Respect also applies to situations concerning in-character adult content as much as player to player interaction. Keep in mind the consent of those around you as to certain topics. This does NOT only apply to ERP type situations. Sensitive or otherwise adult topics should be kept to private areas, behind locked doors, and with every single possibly participating character (and player) to have informed, enthusiastic consent as to whatever is being discussed or RPed. Nobody wants to walk into a city central to immediately be hit in the face with something they were in no way prepared to be a part of. These topics may include things such as sexual assault, suicide, or other highly common emotionally-triggering themes.
You're expected to be In-Character when in game (barring the AFK room and OOC arena). We're not going to smack people for the occasional bit of joking, or chatter (as this is a game and supposed to be fun). We merely ask that you be courteous of your fellow players, that may be involved in a serious bit of roleplaying. Try to keep it to a minimum, and out of public view. If necessary, the typical convention is to add a double symbol before any message, such as “//”, or “((“
Small examples of staying in character:
PVP is meant to enhance stories, not to become the sole focus of a character's roleplay.
Note that some areas are marked No-PVP for various reasons (such as presence of IC guards). Conflict is allowed here, if appropriate, but must be roleplayed out (and guards etc must be taken into account). Populated cities can be assumed to always have a guard within earshot.
Player to player interaction (out-of-character) should follow Rule #2. When referring to in-character conflict, actions have consequences. Keep the conflict in-character, whether it includes combat or not. If you don't intend to kill, use sub-dual mode (otherwise expect to face consequences). Remember that this is a roleplay/story server. It is not an action or arena server; don't treat it like one. The server should not be turned into a warzone.
PvP is allowed. However, it requires giving the other party an in-character way to escape the situation without breaking character. You do NOT need DM supervision for any kind of PvP.
Griefing or deliberate out-of-character bullying is not tolerated. Keep conflict story-specific and limited. PVP is meant to enhance stories, not to become the sole focus of a character's roleplay.
Note that some areas are marked No-PVP for various reasons (such as presence of IC guards). Conflict is allowed here, if appropriate, but must be roleplayed out (and guards etc must be taken into account). Populated cities can be assumed to always have a guard within earshot.
In the world of Forgotten Realms, your character is free to do what they see fit during the telling of their story. There are some limits, because we want everyone to be on the same page and held to the same standard. Part of the joys of Dungeons and Dragons is that characters’ actions have reactions. Deliberately threatening people, indecent sexual conduct, and so forth will have in-character (and possibly out-of-character) consequences. Further reading on character consequences including death can be found here.
If there is a consequence for it in the real world, there is likely one for it in game. The consequences levied by a DM during their events will be reasoned and well-applied. If you believe they are not, you may speak with the DM about it. If they do not wish to speak about it, please send a message to the Upper Staff using the typical form.
As an aside to this particular rule, please note that we tell stories on this server by means of informed consent of both players and the DM staff. Please be courteous to your DM, even if they are doing something that you believe to be in error. If you have a problem with their behavior, please use the above link. If a DM has a problem with a player, we will allow them the same. While mediation may work in most cases, sometimes people just don’t get along. If that happens, a DM is allowed to refuse participation with appropriate context and notice given to the admins.
Cormyr and The Dalelands is a server that exists within the limitations of the Neverwinter Nights game client. The server is not perfect; there will be loopholes, bugs, and exploits that exist due to the limits of the 20+ year old game. Problems with the game should be reported in the Bugs Forum (click for link) or the Bugs channel in the server's discord chat. Exploits should be reported privately to either a Senior Dungeon Master or Admin using private messaging.
The staff is not here to police the server constantly, nor should they have to. Use common sense; if something seems implemented wrong, then it is likely a bug. Abusing a bug to benefit your character is considered exploiting the game's limitations. Those who abuse bugs and exploit game mechanics, rather than reporting them, will be removed from the server. The bugs section on the forum is here.
When enforcing the rules of this server, we will strive to keep punishments as transparent as possible. Generally, we operate on a three strikes policy. The first incident will result in a warning and possibly a consequence (such as level or item loss). A second incident will result in greater consequences, including loss of a character, levels, and/or items. After a third incident, the Admin team will discuss consequences such as banning. The banned list can be found here.
This policy is a guideline; the more severe or blatant an incident is, the more severe the consequence. Honest mistakes and minor errors may be brushed off, but repeated incidents of minor offenses will eventually result in harsher consequences.
The staff is more than happy to work with new players on adapting to the standards of the server. New players who make honest mistakes are not moved into the three strike policy. It is only on repeated offenses, or a deliberate abuse of the rules, when this will happen. Do not take advantage of this policy; we eventually catch deliberate rules exploitation.
All punishments are recorded on the forums when applied. While not all details will be given out, especially in the instance of sensitive material, any player is free to ask into the general circumstances surrounding any particular incident or reply.
Any problems should be reported as soon as possible, to a Senior Dungeon Master or Admin.
To report an issue with a fellow player or staff member, use the Complaint, Compliment, or Criticism form (click for link). Documentation (of all kinds, though screenshots are preferred) is needed when reporting problems with a player or staff member. No matter who the person is, we cannot act on rumors or statements alone. We need sufficient evidence of reported problems in order to respond appropriately. This protects players and staff members from being punished unduly, without evidence.
If you have a problem with a specific DM, bring it to a SDM or Admin. If you have a problem with an Admin, bring it to one of the other Admins. If you have a problem with all of the Admins, please still let us know and we’ll talk it out.
We use Discord for instantaneous communication and coordination. There is a main Cormyr & The Dalelands server, along with sub-servers for Yulash and The Underdark, to help organize channels and events. There are also servers for the various official factions of the server. These are official, lore-recognized groups such as the Red Wizards of Thay, Purple Dragons, The Elves of Semberdale, et cetera. These servers are required to be owned by the admin staff and be open to all upper staff, so that they may help answer questions, coordinate server activity, and help to moderate where necessary.
The Yulash/Moonsea Area Discord:
Player guilds or groups are considered private servers and do not need staff moderation.
DMs may also make temporary Event Discord Servers, for their own planning and coordination of various groups of PCs and in-game information, or to facilitate more timely communication. It is not required to be a part of these, but it is encouraged. The running DM is considered to be the administrator over their own quest in all facets.
Specific Rules for Unusual or Exotic Race Characters
The Setting & Source Material
Complaint, Compliment, or Criticism Form
Guidelines to staying In-Character, Suspension of Disbelief, HIPS/hiding, Nobility, and Factions