Over the years, one of the most constant questions we've had from new players and veterans alike is what the history and canon of the server is with regards to the "official" timeline of WOTC, especially with conflicts created by the introduction of 4th and 5th editions and their expansions of and alterations to Forgotten Realms's lore. And while we've always been able to provide a consistent and reliable answer for the beginning of our timeline - "CD's timeline started in 1372 DR, nothing past that in the official timeline is canon here" - answering the question that usually followed, "What happened since then here, then?", has proven more difficult, thanks to the switching of multiple forums and loss of information stored thereon, the failings of human memory, and the changes to the server and loss of older and overwritten versions.
As such, after many requests and attempts, here is what we currently consider the best approximation of a full timeline of events from the beginning of Cormyr/Dalelands to now. Of course, not every event that has occurred is recorded here, but the major setting-shaking events, the prominent changes to known canon status-quo, and the important details involving prominent locations and NPCs are covered.
1372 DR - The Year of Wild Magic
1373 DR - The Year of the Long Winter
1374 DR - The Year of Shadowed Hills
1375 DR - The Year of Rebirths
1376 DR - The Year of the Bent Blade
1377 DR - The Year of Dawn Strife
1378 DR - The Year of the Cauldron
1379 DR - The Year of the Lost Keep
1380 DR - The Year of the Black Star
1381 DR - The Year of Reclamations
1382 DR - The Year of Broken Crowns
While the full timeline of events both major and minor is listed separately, CD's main storyline is organized into Books, each of which has their own Acts or Chapters. For those interested, past and current story books are listed here, along with a blurb about them as one might read on a book jacket:
Book I - Fimbulwinter Come
Powerful servants of the goddess of cold seek an artifact to bring about eternal winter. Only by the actions of a group of intrepid heroes are they defeated.
Book II - A War of Shadows
The Shadovar declare war on Cormyr, seeking to claim lands north of the mountains for reasons unknown. At a climactic battle in Halfhap, the leader of the Shadovar army is killed by heroes of Cormyr, after one of his rivals betrays him, bringing an end to the war.
Book III - The Matron's Ambition
A powerful drow priestess puts a plan in motion to take vengeance on the surface world. When her schemes are stopped by Cormyrian heroes aiding the elves, she tries to call down a giant meteor to destroy its capital, only for valiant heroes to prevent it, albeit at great cost.
Book IV - Whispers in the Darkness
An ancient and malevolent force stirs as the walls of its prison weaken, extending its maddening influence through the land. In the end, a group of heroes discovered the location of its ancient prison and slew the eldritch monster, sending it back to the netherworld.
Book V - The Shattered Black
The Zhentarim seize control of the small but strategic Cormyrian outpost of Stonehaven in the Stonelands, through the aid of traitors and agents. With the aid of numerous heroes and others, Cormyr's forces rallied to mount a campaign to retake the fortified village.
Book VI - A Light from the Netherworld
The Princess Alusair, thought lost to the Far Realm, returns having been twisted by exposure to that strange place, and seeks to claim all of Cormyr. Only through the intervention of numerous heroes is the nightmare invasion halted, and the rift to that dark place sealed.
Book VII - Keryth’Keryn’Suoress
The elven village of Ssrenshen remains in the hands of the drow, and it is up to the heroes of the Dales and Cormyr to rally to aid the elves and Dalesmen in driving the drow from it. Only through a perilous venture into the Abyss is a powerful artifact reclaimed, allowing the heroes to drive the drow and their fiendish allies out.
Book VIII - The Head that Wears the Crown
From the depths of the Vast Swamp an ancient evil arises - freed of his sacred prison and casting his gaze into the future through magic eons lost to mortal man. The Ghazneth, cursed traitors to Cormyr's Crown, arise once more, striking a mortal blow to Suzail itself, as the Netherese lich Vezzil leads a host of undead against the Forest Kingdom. Through the aid of allies great and small, near and far, and even the resurrected Devil Dragon - Nalavarathautoryl herself - does Cormyr break the undead tide, and not without cost. Cormyr enters a new era of hard-earned peace, under the rulership of the revived Queen Tanalasta Obarskyr.
Book IX - The Hand That Feeds
A disease ravages the lands of the southern Dales and the city of Yulash, a horrifying plague that turns victims into puppets of dark powers and destroys the bodies of elves in mere hours to give birth to arboreal abominations. A plague demon and a Blighter of Talona are discovered responsible, but both dance on the puppet strings of Eileen Shalavar, heiress of House Tsornyl and Mouth of Moander the Darkbringer. Yet she too is manipulated, as the dead god's remaining divine essence is seized by the demon queen Zuggtmoy, giving rise to the newly-ascended Goddess of Rot. Though her plans are foiled, her servants slain, and a newborn Abomination of Moander destroyed in the depths of Myth Drannor's ruins, the dark goddess remains a new face among Faerun's divine pantheon.
Book X - Destiny of Man
Under the new leadership of Overmistress Mirabeta Selkirk, Sembia moves to expand its territory, seizing the lands of Scardale, Featherdale, and Tasseldale, and moving to claim control of Archendale and lands beyond. The ever-resourceful Dalelanders, normally independent to a fault, moved to oppose this conquest and - slowly but surely - united their forces against the Sembian aggressors. Led by a team of local heroes and bolstered by adventurers, mercenaries, and surreptitious allies from places beyond the Dales' borders, and aided by the turn of Selkirk's cousin and former pawn Miklos, the tide was eventually swayed and Sembia forced to withdraw and relinquish most of its new claims. The Dales, however, did not escape unscathed - the elven peoples of the Semberholme forest chose to withdraw from Deepingdale, forming their own territory of Semberdale, and the reshaped Scardale now led by Miklos Selkirk changed its name to Silverdale. The Zhentarim, banished from their holdings in the southern Dales, moved to seize Melvaunt upon the shores of the Moonsea while the eyes of the world were elsewhere.
Book XI - An Tel'Quessir, An Evereska
Coming soon...
Book XII - Unmartyred
Coming soon...
Book XIII - ?
Coming soon...