A complete list of all CD Evocation spells. Entirely new spells are marked with an asterisk(*).
Caster Level(s): Bard 0; Wizard / Sorcerer 0
Innate Level: 0
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Light
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Effects: Up to four lights, all within a 10-ft.-radius area
Duration: 1 minute
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
Depending on the version selected, you create up to four lights that resemble lanterns or torches (and cast that amount of light), or up to four glowing spheres of light (Which look like Will-o-Wisps), or one faintly glowing, vaguely humanoid shape. The dancing lights must stay within a 10-foot radius area in relation to each other but otherwise move as you desire (no concentration required), forward or back, up or down, straight or turning corners, or the like. The lights can move up to 100 feet per round. A light winks out if the distance between you and it exceeds the spell’s range.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 0
Innate Level: 0
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Electricity
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Instant
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster does 1d4+1 points of electrical damage to a target.
(Player only)
2d4+1 at level 5
3d4+1 at level 10
4d4+1 at level 15
5d4+1 at level 20
Caster Level(s): Bard 0; Druid 0; Wizard / Sorcerer 0
Innate Level: 0
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 10 Rounds
Save: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
A burst of hot light is fired from the caster to one target, for 1d3 fire damage.
(Player only)
2d4+1 at level 5
3d4+1 at level 10
4d4+1 at level 15
5d4+1 at level 20
Caster Level(s): Bard 0; Cleric / Favored Soul 0; Druid 0; Paladin 0; Ranger 0; Wizard / Sorcerer 0
Innate Level: 0
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 Hour / Level
Save: Harmless
Spell Resistance: No
Creates a small light source above the target creature's head. The light travels with the target and is capable of illuminating a small area. It can be cast on any item the character can equip to make it glow for the spell's duration like a natural source of light.
Caster Level(s): Cleric Chaos 2; Wizard / Sorcerer 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Evocation
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Varies
Save: Fortitude*
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell causes a 4-inch-diameter sphere to appear in the caster's hand. When thrown, the sphere heads unerringly to its target. The effect the orb has upon the target varies with the level of the mage who casted the spell. A successful save negates both the effects and the damage.
Level 1: 1D4 Magical Damage and Blindness for 1 round.
Level 2: 1D6 Magical Damage and Blindness for 2 round.
Level 3: 1D8 Magical Damage and Blindness for 3 rounds.
Level 4: 1D10 Magical Damage and Blindness for 1 turn.
Level 5: 1D12 Magical Damage and Stuns for 3 rounds.
Level 6: 2D8 Magical Damage and Stuns for 4 rounds.
Level 7-11: 2D8 Magical Damage and Paralysis for 2 turns.
Level 12-17: 2D8 Magical Damage, Petrifies and Slows for 3 turns.
Level 18+: 2D8 Magical Damage, Save vs Death or Death and Petrifies for 4 turns
Caster Level(s): Blackguard 1; Cleric / Favored Soul 1; Paladin 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Mind-Affecting
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Caster
Duration: 5 Rounds + 1 Round / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
The caster gains a +1 bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls for every three caster levels (at least +1, to a maximum of +5).
This spell applies to the character, not to the weapon, and is therefore unaffected by changing weapons.
The base 5 round duration is unaffected by Extend Spell.
Caster Level(s): Cleric Moon 1; Druid 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Evocation (Light)
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A pale glow outlines the targetted creature, making it difficult for it to conceal itself (-50 to Hide).
Can also prevent enemies from going invisible or using Displacement.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Sonic, mind-affecting
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Instant
Save: Will Partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
You blast the target with loud and high-pitched sounds. The target takes 1d4 points of sonic damage per two caster levels (maximum 5d4), plus an additional 1 per three caster levels. They furthermore must make a will save or be deafened for 1d4 rounds.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Cold
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a piece of ice that flies toward the target and deals 1d4 points of cold damage per level(maximum of 5d4), plus an additional 1 per three caster levels.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): force
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Instant
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster creates a shimmering projectile of magical force that unerringly slams into a single selected target. After level 1, the spell creates 1 additional missile every two caster levels, to a maximum of 5 missiles at level 9. Magic missiles do 1d4+1 points of damage each.
Damage increased by +1 per 3 caster level, divided by number of missiles
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): summoned item
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: point
Duration: 1 minute / 2 levels
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
The caster summons a dagger that acts as a faithful and loyal servant.
The blade has an attack bonus equal to half the caster's casting ability modifier.
Caster Level(s): Cleric 1; Druid 1, Sun 1
Innate Level: 1
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: One creature
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex (half), Fortitude
Spell Resistance: Yes
When this spell is cast, a brilliant ray of scorching heat slants down from the sky and strikes one target of the caster's choice. The victim is allowed a reflex saving throw to take half damage. Any creature struck by the ray sustains 1d6+1 per level of the caster of fire damage. If they fail the save they are also blinded (fortitude save) for 3 rounds. Does double damage against Undead.
Caster Level(s): Bard 2; Wizard / Sorcerer 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Gas
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: Large
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: Fortitude
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster blows forth a cloud of noxious air. Enemies in the area of effect are stunned and blinded for 1d6 rounds.
Targets that are immune to mind-affecting spells can still be blinded by the cloud, though they will not be stunned.
Immunity to poison grants full immunity to all effects.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 Round / 3 Levels
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell makes a creature burst into flame. The initial eruption of flame causes 2d6 fire damage +1 point per caster level (maximum +10) with no saving throw. The creature catches fire taking a further 1d6 points of damage for the duration of the spell.
Caster Level(s): Bard 2; Blackguard 2; Cleric 2, Darkness 1; Wizard / Sorcerer 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Darkness
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
All creatures within the area of effect are shrouded in a haze of darkness which can only be pierced using ultravision or true seeing.
Caster Level(s): Bard 2; Cleric / Favored Soul 3; Druid 3; Ranger 2; Wizard / Sorcerer 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Weapon Enchantment
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Creature or Melee Weapon
Duration: 1 Hour / Level
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
The caster is able to imbue a weapon with elemental damage of their choice: fire, cold, electricity, or acid. This does not stack with certain weapons that have on-hit properties. Can be cast on creatures with or without a weapon. Damage is 3d2 + caster level / 3. No cap.
Caster Level(s): Druid 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
The druid is able to flay an enemy with flaming brands that do 2d6 points of fire damage, + 1d6 per 3 caster levels above level 3.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Electricity, Mind-Affecting
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: Small
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2 (see below)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a small stroke of lightning that cycles through all creatures in the area of effect. The spell deals 1d6 points of damage per 2 caster levels (maximum 5d6). Those who fail their reflex saves must succeed at a will save or be stunned for 1 round.
Caster Level(s): Bard 2; Wizard / Sorcerer 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation [Mind-Affecting]
Descriptor(s): Chaos
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: One Poor Bastard
Duration: 2 Round/ Level + 1 Round per 3 caster level
Save: Will Negates
Spell Resistance: No
Something very unusual happens to the target. They become more than just dazed, but not so confused as to not have control of their actions. They become... disoriented. As such, the "camera" view of their life and their perspective of the world begins to violently shake, move, spin, and every possible form of rotation. This tends to get players very very confused. They can still perform actions, though targeting will be extremely hard without a steady hand. Tip: Cast it twice for triple the annoyance. Reduces enemies' attack bonus by 5 + 1 per 2 caster level.
Caster Level(s): Bard 2; Wizard / Sorcerer 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Cold
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instant
Additional Counter Spells:
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
A flurry of magic snowballs erupts in the target area. The swarm of snowballs deals 1d4 points of cold damage, plus 1 per caster levels.
Caster Level(s): Bard 2; Cleric / Favored Soul 2
Innate Level: 2
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Sonic
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Medium
Duration: Instant
Save: Will special
Spell Resistance: Yes
All creatures within the area of effect take 1d8 points of damage and must make a will save or be stunned for 2 rounds.
Caster Level(s): Druid 3; Cleric Air 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Electricity
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
All enemies within the area of effect take 1d6 points of electrical damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10d6.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster unleashes a fiery projectile that explodes upon all within the area of effect for 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10d6.
Caster Level(s): Bard 3; Druid 3; Wizard / Sorcerer 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instant
Save: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a blast of air that knocks down any creatures failing their saving throws. It is also powerful enough to disperse any cloudlike area of effect spells (such as cloudkill) that are in the path of the wind gust.
The duration of the knockdown effect is 3 rounds.
Caster Level(s): Cleric 3; Druid 3; Wizard / Sorcerer 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instant
Save: Fortitude (Partial)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell throws a magical lance of ice at the target. The lance automatically hits for 5d6 cold damage. If the victim fails a fortitude save vs cold, they are additionally frozen for 4 rounds.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 3; Ranger 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: 1 Turn / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell removes the invisibility from all invisible creatures and items.
This spell will strip the concealment granted by improved invisibility even if the subject is no longer under the invisibility aspect of that spell.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Electricity
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Chain of targets in a straight line
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster fires a bolt of lightning that passes through all creatures in a straight line from the caster. The bolt does 1d6 points of electrical damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10d6.
Caster Level(s): Cleric Moon 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 2 Turns / Level
Save: N/A
Spell Resistance: N/A
A corona of moonlight surrounds your weapon. Its strike saps vitality or life force, causing no visible wounds, but dealing 1d8 points of positive damage to any type of creature except undead. Undead are visibly wounded by the moonlight, taking 2d8 positive damage in addition to the normal weapon damage. Additionally, if not already magical, the weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus for the duration of the spell.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 3
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Electricity
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster unleashes a crackling electric projectile that explodes upon all within the area of effect for 1d6 points of electrical damage per caster level, to a maximum of 10d6.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 3, Sun 2
Innate Level: 3
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Instant
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster directs a beam of white-hot light at a single target. The divine damage is based on the target's racial type:
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 4, Strength 3; Druid 5
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Caster
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: Harmless
Spell Resistance: No
The caster gains the following bonuses: 1 extra hit point per caster level, +6 to strength and a magical attack bonus (Subject to the +20 magical cap) to equalize their BAB as if they were a fighter of the same level. May give an extra attack to match what a full-BAB class character gets at the same level. At caster level 21+, the caster also gains a Divine damage bonus equal to their base number of attacks per round. Divine Power's hitdice based effects are capped to the spell's caster level for non-divine class casters.
The hitdice based effects being capped reduces the effectiveness of divine power scrolls, potions, and other items to make Tenser's Transformation the better alternative for non-divine caster characters, particularly for arcane casters who otherwise could use divine power in lieu of tenser's transformation and not suffer from arcane spell failure.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Cold, Fire
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Caster
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
The caster is surrounded by a ring of fire or cold that damages all opponents who make a successful melee attack on the caster. The damage inflicted is 1d6, +1 point per caster level. The caster also gains 50% immunity to cold and fire.
Gives a radial choices between Fire Shield and Frost Shield.
Does not stack with Death Armor or Mestil’s Acid Sheath.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 5; Druid 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire, Divine
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Medium
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
A pillar of flame engulfs all within the area of effect, inflicting 1d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 15d6). Half of the damage caused by the spell is divine and the other half is fire-based. Enemies are struck by both damage types, while allies are struck only by the fire damage.
Caster Level(s): Bard 4; Wizard / Sorcerer 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation [Sonic]
Range: Self
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: N/A*
Save: Will*
Spell Resistance: Yes
Upon uttering the Great Shout, the caster releases a stunning force from his mouth in a 30-foot radius. The shout is extremely taxing and dangerous to the caster. The spell drains 2D4 hp from the caster and knocks him unconscious for a turn if he fails a save. Creatures with less than 5 HD or lower are instantly killed. All others may make a saving throw to lower the duration of the following effects: Deafness & Stun for 2 rounds. It also deals 2D10 sonic damage or 1D10 if they make the save.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Divine
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instant
Save: Will Partial
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster smites a group of enemies with divine light for 1d8 points of damage for every two caster levels, to a maximum of 5d8. Enemies that make a will save take half damage and avoid being dazed for 1 to 6 rounds.
The duration of the daze is not affected by maximize spell or empower spell.
Caster Level(s): Cleric 4; Paladin 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation [Good]
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Will (partial)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You draw down holy power to smite your enemies. Only evil creatures are harmed by the spell; good or neutral creatures are unaffected.
The spell deals 1d4 points of damage per caster levels to each evil creature in the area and causes it to become blinded for 1 round. A successful Will saving throw reduces damage to half and negates the blinded effect.
Caster Level(s): Paladin 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Weapon enchantment
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Touch
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: No
This spell transforms the caster's melee weapon or gauntlets into a powerful holy avenger, a specially blessed weapon that, when wielded by a paladin, acts like a +5 holy weapon that dispels magic on-hit, delivers an additional +1d6 divine damage against evil aligned creatures and grants the wielder a spell resistance of 16.
Caster Level(s): Bard 6; Cleric Magic 5, Water 5; Druid 5; Wizard / Sorcerer 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instant
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
All creatures in the area of effect take 3d6 points of bludgeoning damage and 2d6 points of cold damage. Ice storm will do an additional 1d6 cold damage per additional 3 caster levels.
When cast as a Cleric domain spell, ice storm counts as a fourth level spell for immunity. Thus, a globe of invulnerability will block a cleric's ice storm.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Gargantuan
Duration: Instant
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A number of energy missiles (one per caster level but to a maximum of 10) appear and evenly target and hit any hostile creature in the area of effect. If there are more creatures than missiles, only the closest targets will be damaged. If there are more missiles than creatures, one of the creatures will be hit with multiple missiles. Each missile does 1d6 points of damage.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation [Force]
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: 1 Creature
Duration: Instant
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates up to five brilliant globes of magical energy that streaks forth from the caster's hand to unerringly strike its target, much like a Magic Missile spell. Each missile deals 2d4 points of force damage to the target. The globe then burst dealing an extra 1 damage per level of the caster, up to a maximum of 15. At level 7, 2 missiles are produced, at level 9, 3 missiles, at level 13, 4 missiles, and at level 17, 5 missiles would be produced, each 2d4+15 points of force damage.
Caster Level(s): Druid 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: 1 Round/ Level
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a cloud of hot steam. Anyone caught in this cloud takes 2d6+1 per 3 caster levels points of damage and are permanently blinded. If the creature makes its reflex save it takes half-damage and is not blinded. A person takes 1d6+1 per 3 caster levels points of damage each subsequent round of exposure. A reflex save can be made each round to avoid the effects. Any creature within the cloud has a 24% concealment bonus. Gust of Air will disperse the cloud.
Caster Level(s): Cleric Protection 3; Wizard / Sorcerer 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation [Force]
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Close
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 Round/ Level
Save: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No
A globe of shimmering force encloses a creature, provided the creature is small enough to fit within the diameter of the sphere. The sphere contains its subject for the spell's duration. The sphere is not subject to damage of any sort except from a rod of cancellation, a rod of negation, a disintegrate spell, or a targeted dispel magic spell. These effects destroy the sphere without harm to the subject.
Nothing can pass through the sphere, inside or out, though the subject can breathe normally. The subject may struggle, but the sphere cannot be physically moved either by people outside it or by the struggles of those within.
Caster Level(s): Cleric 4, Evil 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation [Evil]
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Will (partial)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You draw down unholy power to smite your enemies. Only good creatures are harmed by the spell; evil or neutral creatures are unaffected.
The spell deals 1d4 points of damage per caster levels to each good creature in the area and causes it to become blinded for 1 round. A successful Will saving throw reduces damage to half and negates the blinded effect.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 4
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: 1 Round / 3 levels
Save: Reflex (half)
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell conjures a sphere of glowing emerald acid, that the caster can direct to strike any target within range. When it reaches its target, the sphere explodes and drenches the victim in potent acid. The victim suffers 1d4 damage per caster level of acid damage, to a maximum of 12d4 at level 12. The acid continues to burn it, dealing 2d6 damage for 1 round per 3 caster level.
Any creature within the splash radius must make a save or be dealt 4d4 acid damage. Only the innate target gets a continuing acid damage.
Caster Level(s): Druid 5; Cleric Fire 4; Wizard / Sorcerer 4;
Innate Level: 4
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: wall 30 ft long
Duration: 1 Round / 2 levels
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
This spell creates a curtain of fire that deals 4d6 + 1 per 3 caster levels of fire damage to any creature that attempts to pass through it. Deals double damage against undeads.
/endmyaoe and timestop pausing the spells duration do not work for this spell.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Electricity
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Gargantuan
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
You create a ball of lightning that strikes your target. The electrical damage of the ball is 1d6 per level to a maximum of 15d6.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A giant hand appears over the target, making it difficult for him to attack. He receives a -6 penalty to all attack rolls for the duration of the spell.
Attack penalties (hence also this spell) can be removed with lesser restoration.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Cold
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: 10 meter cone
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
A cone of frost and snow shoots forth from the caster's hands, doing 1d6 points of cold damage per caster level to all those within the area of effect, to a maximum of 15d6.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Evocation (Darkness)
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Area of Effect / Target: Special
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Up to 7 targets in a 20 meters area of effect.
Duration: 1 Round
Save: Will Negates (Stunning)
Spell Resistance: Yes
You unleash beams of darkness from your own palm. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack to strike your target(s) with beams of darkness (1 per 2 levels, to a maximum of 7) doing 2d8 damage per two caster level (maximum 14d8) for up to 75 negative damage. The creature is stunned for 1 round unless it passes a will save against each beam that hits it. This does not affect undead.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Gargantuan
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
Masses of flame (one per caster level) appear and randomly target and hit any hostile creature in the area of effect. If there are more creatures than balls of flame, only the closest targets will be damaged. If there are more balls of flame than creatures, the excess balls of flame disappear. Each ball of flame explodes for 1d6 points of damage per caster level (max 15d6).
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 5
Innate Level: 5
School: Evocation
Range: Self
Area of Effect / Target: Self
Duration: 1 Hour per Level
Save: N/A
Spell Resistance: N/A
This spell encases the caster in a sheath of icy scales, granting a bonus of +5 Armor AC, and 25% Immunity to Fire Damage.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 6
Innate Level: 6
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 4 Rounds
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster attemps a ranged touch attack. If he succeeds, a giant hand appears and attempts to bull rush one target. The hand gains a +9 bonus on the strength check. A target that is bull rushed is knocked down and is dazed for the duration of the spell.
The bull rush works as follows: caster rolls 1d20 + 9 + CL versus the target's roll of 1d20 + target's strength modifier + target's size modifier + attack bonus.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 6
Innate Level: 6
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Wall 30 feet long
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
Blade barrier brings into being a 30-foot long and 3-foot wide wall of stabbing blades. All those passing through the wall take 1d6 points of slashing damage per caster level (max 15d6).
/endmyaoe and timestop pausing the spells duration do not work for this spell.
20d6 cap for NPCs
Caster Level(s): Bard 6; Druid 7; Wizard / Sorcerer 6
Innate Level: 6
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Weather, Cold
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Large
Duration: 1 Round/ Level
Save: None
Spell Resistance: None
A freezing blizzard is summoned and centralized on a particular spot by magic. Hail rains down on all in the area for the duration of the spell. Each round, creatures in the area take 3d6 cold damage and 1d6 bludgeoning damage. The storm is equally brutal and will not distinguish between friend, foe, caster, or pork chops.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 6
Innate Level: 6
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Good
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: One target creature
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: None
By casting this spell, the priest channels a bolt of divine energy to smite one creature. The damage done varies based on the planar origin of that creature. Those of the Prime suffer the standard 6d6 damage. Elementals suffer only 3d4 as they have no natural tendencies towards any alignment. Undead, being purely of negative energy, suffer the wrath of 8d6 holy damage. And the infernal ones, the evil outsider scum, sometimes referred to as the pure evil, suffer the full 10d6 divine damage. A reflex save halves the damage.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 6; Cleric Air 7
Innate Level: 6
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Electricity
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal, 1 target / Level
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
A bolt of electricity arcs through the caster's enemies for 1d6 points of electrical damage per caster level, up to a max of 20d6 points of damage to the initial target and half that amount to all other targets.
Caster Level(s): Bard 6
Innate Level: 6
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Large
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster's song draws the energies of death and destruction. Any enemies in the area of effect suffer 2 points of strength and dexterity ability score damage each round. If the enemy leaves the area of effect, their strength and dexterity are restored.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 6
Innate Level: 6
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Gargantuan
Duration: Instant
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A number of energy missiles (one per caster level but to a maximum of 20) appear and randomly target and hit any hostile creature in the area of effect. If there are more creatures than missiles, only the closest targets will be damaged. If there are more missiles than creatures, one of the creatures will be hit with multiple missiles. Each missile does 2d6 points of magical damage.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 6
Innate Level: 6
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Cold
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
Otiluke's freezing sphere creates a frigid globe of cold energy that streaks from your fingertips to the location you select, where it explodes in a 10-foot-radius, dealing 1d6 point of cold damage per caster level(maximum 15d6) to each creature in the area.
Caster Level(s): Cleric 6, Sun 5
Innate Level: 6
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: One creature
Duration: 6 Rounds
Save: Fortitude (partial)
Spell Resistance: Yes
With this spell the caster is able to throw a little burning orb to its opponents. When it hits, the gem bursts with a brilliant, searing flash that causes 6d6 points of fire damage to the target and blinds him for 6 rounds. The victim is allowed a saving throw vs. spell. If successful, the target is not blinded. Undead creatures suffer 12d6 points of damage. They are blinded for 12 rounds if their save is failed.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 7
Innate Level: 7
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 4 Rounds
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A giant hand appears and attacks the target. If the hand hits and succeeds in a grapple check, the opponent will be held for the duration of the spell.
To hit the target, the hand makes a specialized attack roll: 1d20 + caster level + (casting ability modifier + 10) - 1 vs. target's armor class
To successfully grapple the target after hitting it, the hand must pass a grapple check, with a tie being successful:1d20 + caster level + (casting ability modifier + 10) + 4 vs. 1d20 + target's BAB + target's strength modifier + target's grapple size modifier.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 7
Innate Level: 7
Descriptor(s): Evil, Sonic
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Non-evil creatures in a 15 meters radius spread centered on caster.
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None, or Will Negates; See Text
Spell Resistance: No
Any non-evil creatures within the area of a blasphemy spell suffers the following ill effects.
HD Effect
The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects.
The creature is dazed for 1 rounds.
Strength Drain
The creature has its strength drained by 2d6 for 2d4 rounds.
The creature is paralyzed and helpless for 1d10 turns.
Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed.
Furthermore, if you are on your home plane when you cast this spell, non-evil extraplanar creatures are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot be returned for at least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the blasphemy. The banishment effect allows a Will save (at -4 penalty) to negate.
Creatures whose HD exceed your caster level are unaffected by blasphemy.
Banishment effect is RP only.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 7
Innate Level: 7
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Huge
Duration: 15 Rounds
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster creates a small, magical zone that can detect the passage of enemy creatures. When the field is activated, it explodes, doing 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level to all within the area of effect, to a maximum of 20d6.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 7
Innate Level: 7
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Lawful, Sonic
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Non-Lawful creatures in a 15 meters radius spread centered on caster.
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None, or Will Negates; See Text
Spell Resistance: No
Any non-lawful creatures within the area of a dictum spell suffers the following ill effects.
HD Effect
The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects.
The creature is deafened for 1d4 rounds.
The creature is slowed, as per the slow spell, by 2d4 rounds.
The creature is paralyzed and helpless for 1d10 turns.
Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed.
Furthermore, if you are on your home plane when you cast this spell, non-lawful extraplanar creatures are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot be returned for at least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the dictum. The banishment effect allows a Will save (at -4 penalty) to negate.
Creatures whose HD exceed your caster level are unaffected by dictum.
Banishment effect is RP only.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 8, Fire 7; Druid 7
Innate Level: 7
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire, Divine
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
All enemies within this spell's area of effect are inundated with a rain of fire and take 1d6 points of damage per caster level, up to a maximum of 20d6. Half of the damage is divine and the other half is fire-based.
If the fire damage is reduced to zero (via evasion), then no divine damage will be applied either.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 7
Innate Level: 7
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Sonic
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Gargantuan
Duration: Instant
Save: see below
Spell Resistance: No
You create a loud noise equivalent to a peal of thunder and its accompanying shock wave. The spell has three effects. First, all creatures in the area must make will saves to avoid being stunned for 1 round. Second, the creatures must make fortitude saves or be deafened for 1 minute. Third, they must make reflex saves or fall prone.
The knockdown effect lasts 1 round.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 7
Innate Level: 7
Descriptor(s): Good, Sonic
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Non-Good creatures in a 15 meters radius spread centered on caster.
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None, or Will Negates; See Text
Spell Resistance: No
Any non-good creatures within the area of a holy word spell suffers the following ill effects.
HD Effect
The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects.
The creature is deafened for 1d4 rounds.
The creature is blinded for 2d4 rounds.
The creature is paralyzed and helpless for 1d10 turns.
Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed.
Furthermore, if you are on your home plane when you cast this spell, non-good extraplanar creatures are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot be returned for at least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the holy word. The banishment effect allows a Will save (at -4 penalty) to negate.
Creatures whose HD exceed your caster level are unaffected by holy word.
Banishment effect is RP only.
Caster Level(s): Cleric 7; Wizard / Sorcerer 7
Innate Level: 7
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Special
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: 11 meter cone
Duration: Instant
Save: Special
Spell Resistance: Yes
All creatures within the area of effect randomly experience 1 or 2 of the following effects:
Bebilith venom is a fixed DC 20 save vs. poison.
The chance of a target receiving two effects is 1 in 8.
Any creature with 8 hit dice or less is blinded for one round per caster level (no save).
Caster Level(s):: Cleric / Favored Soul 7
Innate Level: 7
School: Evocation (Chaos, Sonic)
Component(s): Verbal
Range: Personal
Area: Non-chaotic creatures in a 15 meters radius spread centered on caster.
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None, or Will Negates; See Text
Spell Resistance: No
Any non-chaotic creatures within the area of a word of chaos spell suffers the following ill effects.
HD Effect
The effects are cumulative and concurrent. No saving throw is allowed against these effects.
The creature is deafened for 1d4 rounds.
The creature is stunned for 1 turn.
The creature is confused for 1d10 turns.
Living creatures die. Undead creatures are destroyed.
Furthermore, if you are on your home plane when you cast this spell, non-chaotic extraplanar creatures are instantly banished back to their home planes. Creatures so banished cannot be returned for at least 24 hours. This effect takes place regardless of whether the creatures hear the word of chaos. The banishment effect allows a Will save (at -4 penalty) to negate.
Creatures whose HD exceed your caster level are unaffected by word of chaos.
Banishment effect is RP only.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 7, Drow 6, Good 6
Innate Level: 7
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: Instant
Save: Special
Spell Resistance: Yes
A wave of divine energy blasts all enemy creatures within the area of effect. All enemies within the area are stunned, confused, or blinded for 1 round per 2 caster levels. Those with 4 hit dice or less are killed instantly. Any hostile summoned creatures are returned to their home planes on a failed Will save.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 8
Innate Level: 8
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 1 Round / Level
Save: Fortitude
Spell Resistance: Yes
A giant hand appears and attacks the target, once each round for the duration of the spell. Each hit causes 1d8+11 points of bludgeoning damage to the target and if they fail their saving throw they are stunned for that round as well.
The spell hits upon a successful check: d20 + caster ability modifier + caster level + 10 vs. armor class.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 8; Druid 9
Innate Level: 8
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: No
The caster causes a massive earthquake around himself, causing 1d6 points of damage per caster level (to a maximum of 20d6) to all creatures in the area of effect. The caster is not affected by the earthquake. Creatures failing a reflex save fall prone for 2 rounds.
Innate Level: Cleric Moon 8
Innate Level: 8
School: Evocation [Light]
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Close
Area of Effect / Target: Cone
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
A cone of fiery white moonlight springs from the caster's hand. Living creatures in the area feel an unnatural chill and take 1d8 points of damage per two caster levels, to a maximum of 10d8. Undead and shapechangers take double damage. There is a reflex save for half damage. Furthermore, any polymorphed or shapechanged creatures in the cone's area must make a will save or return to their normal form.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 8
Innate Level: 8
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: Instantaneous
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A blue-white ray of freezing air and ice springs from your hand. You must succeed on a ranged touch attack with the ray to deal damage to a target. The ray deals 1d8 points of cold damage per caster level (maximum 25d8).
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 8, Elf 7, Sun 7; Druid 8
Innate Level: 8
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Divine
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: 3 Rounds
Save: Special
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster summons a globe of divine radiance to blind and burn those within the area of effect. Undead and oozes take 1d6 points of divine damage per caster level and are blinded for 3 rounds, to a maximum of 20d6. All other monster types take 4d6 points of divine damage, and are blinded for 3 rounds. A successful reflex save halves the damage and prevents the blindness.
Caster Level(s): Druid 8; Wizard / Sorcerer 8
Innate Level: 8
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Medium
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex
Spell Resistance: Yes
A brilliant explosion occurs where the caster directs causing 1d6 points of magical damage per caster level (to a maximum of 25d6) to all undead. Non-undead creatures suffer only 6d6 damage. Vampires are destroyed instantly if they fail a reflex saving throw. All enemies in the area of effect must also make a successful reflex saving throw or be blinded permanently (the blindness can only be magically removed).
Only enemies are affected. Also dispels darkness.
Caster Level(s): Druid 8, Cleric Air 8
Innate Level: 8
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Weather
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: 1 Round/ Level
Save: Reflex negates
Spell Resistance: No
Calling forth the great winds, the Druid collects and combines natural elements to create a cyclone. Once it touches down, it cannot be stopped. It will ravage that area for the extent of its lifespan, which is based on the strength of the summoner. Creatures in its wake of destruction can be sucked deeper into the center of the funnel and suffer 3d6 sonic wind damage from the howling tornado's high velocity winds. However, failing the save will slowly drag you in, eventually leaving you spinning uncontrollably in the heart of the twister for the duration of the spell. There, you receive 1d8 damage every round without a save in addition to the normal effects.
-Whirlwind removes the cloudlike effects its area of effect. (Acid Fog, Cloud of Bewilderment, Cloudkill, Creeping Doom, Incendiary Cloud, Mind Fog, and Stinking Cloud.)
-Dimension Door can be used to 'rescue' players or other creatures from within the vortex.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Evocation
Range: Self
Area of Effect / Target: Cone
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex
Spell Resistance: No
This spell causes the caster to breath fire with the force of an adult dragon. In addition to the damage (1d8 per caster level), those who fail their reflex saves for half damage must make an additional fortitude save, or be blown backwards by the force of the blast.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Long
Area of Effect / Target: Single
Duration: 4 Rounds
Save: None
Spell Resistance: Yes
A giant hand appears and attacks the target. If it hits and succeeds in a grapple check, the target is held fast for the duration of the spell and suffers 2d6+12 points of bludgeoning damage each round.
The grapple check starts with a modified attack roll:
d20 + caster's ability modifier + caster level + 12 - 1.
If this roll meets or exceeds the target's armor class, then an actual grapple is attempted:
caster: d20 + ability modifier + caster level + 12 + 4 vs. target: d20 + strength modifier + BAB + size modifier.
A tie means a successful grapple.
Caster Level(s): Cleric / Favored Soul 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Evocation
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Short
Area of Effect / Target: Medium
Duration: Instant
Save: Fortitude Negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
The caster creates a vortex of destruction that tears asunder all living things within its area of effect, removing any temporary HP they had and dealing 95% of their max HP in damage and unless they make their saving throw.
While this spell is not death magic (immunity does not apply), the saves are made "versus death".
The caster is not affected by this spell.
Caster Level(s): Wizard / Sorcerer 9
Innate Level: 9
School: Evocation
Descriptor(s): Fire
Component(s): Verbal, Somatic
Range: Personal
Area of Effect / Target: Colossal
Duration: Instant
Save: Reflex 1/2
Spell Resistance: Yes
The spell causes everything within the area of effect to be pummeled by incoming meteors. All those caught in the destruction take 1d6 points of fire damage per caster level.